2024 Archive Blog

Monday 30th December 2024

The last meeting of the year was a bit quiet. Monday morning had been gorgeous for riding but by the evening, it had turned distinctly colder. This, along with the timing “betwixmas” probably put a lot of members off coming along, while others were probably still tied up with festive season activities. Whatever the reasons, no one asked for a group ride and only about twelve came along to the pub.

But, those that did come had a thoroughly good evening and there was plenty of food served up by Denitza.

Next week is a change to our original Calendar. We will now be at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley.

Let us know on Whatsapp on Monday if you’d like a group ride.

Monday 23rd December 2024

No one asked for a group ride this week so it was straight to the Hen & Chickens in Baldock for everyone.

But it was a quiet get together, being the last Monday before Christmas, with only about fifteen of us. We’d planned less food than normal but there was still plenty for everyone with Denitza doing another great job.

Next week we will be back at the Hen & Chickens, being our HQ and main pub through the winter months. We don’t usually have a Monday meet between Christmas and New Year but we thought we’d give it a go this year, and we’ve asked Denitza to put on food again for us. Hope to see you there.

Or, let us know on Monday if you’d like a group ride.

Monday 16th December 2024

Darren did a group ride out on Saturday but chose the worst of the weekend days for weather, getting somewhat wet as they headed out through Essex to a motorcycle café in Braintree. Once again, it was like the Triumph owners Club with all but one rider being on the mighty marque. Even in the rain, everyone enjoyed the day out riding.

After last week’s very successful Christmas Social where, unusually, everyone attended in cars or on foot, this Monday, with unseasonably nice weather, it was back to riding for the usual mob with six meeting up at Poplars Sainsburys. Paul Purple VFR and Cider Bob were there to lead so, after a very short discussion, Paul became the evening’s leader while Cider took up the TEC. It was a nice ride on dry roads lasting about an hour.

Our destination was a change to the original Calendar and the Cock in Baldock were happy to host us again, even though we were only there a couple of weeks ago. Once again, they did lovely grub – various good quality sandwiches, including roast pork, and lots of nice chips, which was just about the perfect amount for all those who’d paid their £2 for some.

There was a party in the other side of the bar so, with over thirty of us there, it was a bit of a tight squeeze to start with. Fortunately, the party thinned out by 20:00 so we were able to spread out a bit.

With so many there on a December night, and such a good atmosphere, it really highlighted how good our Club is as a social club as well as a motorcycle club.

Next week we are back at our “HQ”, the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. Although this has traditionally been a quiet night, being the last before Christmas, the last two years have been well attended so we will be asking Denitza to put on grub, for those that would like to eat.

We know the Chickens isn’t the most popular pub on our calendar, but they do look after us and it’s conveniently located for many of our members, particularly through the winter months. So, even though it’s more of a traditional “boozer” and the parking is rubbish, please do come along and enjoy yet another social get together.

We will put on a group ride if anyone asks.

Monday 9th December 2024

This week was this year’s Christmas Social.

Generally on the night of the Christmas Social no-one tends to want to join a group ride and this year was no different. So, with no-one asking for a group ride everyone made their own way there and even Cider Bob went by car instead of motorcycle – unheard of!!

It was as popular as always with well over thirty members and several brought their partners. It was also absolutely great to see our Late President, Pat Barrett’s wife Hazel, daughter Mandy & son-in-law Andy come along too.

The Hen & Chickens in Baldock hosted us once again and Denitza did a brilliant job producing an absolute mountain of food, paid for by the Club, including sandwiches, roasties, sausages, yorkies, stuffing and all sorts of other gorgeous nibbles.

Members also got two free drinks but were encouraged to cough up a fiver or more for some raffle tickets. Most did and there were some great prizes dished out… although Gordon’s table seemed to draw disproportionately most of the prizes I(perhaps they bought more tickets!?).

A big thanks to the Secretary, the Chairman and the Treasurer for sorting everything out for a great evening. And thank you to all the Members who came along and supported it.      

Monday is a change to our original Calendar. We will now be at the Cock in Baldock. Ask for a group ride or meet us there.

Monday 2nd December 2024

No-one had definitively asked for a group ride by 16:00 so the usual leaders didn’t plan anything. However, stalwarts Stig and Andy met up at Poplars Sainsburys for a mini group ride. But they weren’t the only ones who turned up at the pub on Motorcycles – both Cider Bob and “Sandwich Monitor” Martin also braved the damp and greasy roads on their bikes.

With grotty drizzle and a major closure on the A1(M) causing havoc, there was a surprising number of members at pub which, this week was the Goat in Codicote. It seems to be quite a local pub to several members so quite a few were on the alcohol, unlike usually where it’s generally soft drinks for most.

As always, Graham and the staff at the Goat

Were very welcoming and served up a pile of hot dogs, sausages, pizza and chips.

Next week is our Christmas social, which is at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. As usual with our Socials, members get free food and some free drink. We encourage partners to come along to our festive gathering.

Monday 25th November 2024

Mild and dry weather returned this Monday evening and as a result, six riders wanted a group ride to the pub from Poplars Sainsburys.

It was almost like a sub-division of the Triumph Owners Club to start with as three 900 Tigers lined up alongside a 660 Tiger Sport. The beautiful sight of Triumphs was only compromised by the arrival of Stig’s Yamaha Tenere and Dave’s Royal Enfield! That said, Dave’s Enfield is the bike to have as TEC – with running lights the brightness and colour of the sun, it was very easy for Cider Bob to keep track of the back of the pack in the darkness!

It was an hour long ride to the Plume Of Feathers in Ickleford, which doesn’t normally open on a Monday though the winter but opened especially for us. As well as the six members in the group ride, there were another twenty or so members already at the pub, which had a nice buzz.

It initially looked like there wouldn’t be enough sandwiches so everyone was very sensible in what they took to start with (thank you for the restraint) but the Land Lord brought out two huge mountains of chips which meant there was plenty for seconds and no one went hungry – there was even a few chips left over!

Thirty years ago, the gatherings tended to get under way about 21:00 and go on until closing time at 23:00. These days, it tends to start early, with members arriving any time from about 19:30 but it thins out around 21:30 and most have normally gone by 22:00. That was the case this week where the last members were leaving about 21:45.

It was a nice night and, unusually, even involved a bit of political chat. What is it “they” say; never talk to your mates about politics or religion!

Next week we will be at the Goat in Codicote

Monday 18th November 2024

Friday was our Late Great President, Pat Barrett’s funeral. While funerals are always relatively sad, this was a celebration of his life and there was lots of laughing and joking as well as some tears. Approximately forty motorcyclists turned up at his house to escort the hearse and family to the crematorium. Many more sent apologies for not being able to make it. It was nice of some members of the 5 Counties MCC to come along too. Gordon Hallett rode directly behind the limousines on Pat’s well loved sidecar outfit, with Chris Sawyer taking the place of Hazel in the chair. It was an impressive sight with everyone riding respectfully and traffic mostly stopping for us. As you would expect, the ceremony was a summary of Pat’s life where, unusually, the deceased had the last word with one of his stories (recorded at a family gathering not long ago). Afterwards there was a gathering at the Poachers in Bedwell where the atmosphere was both joyful and sad at the same time. Farewell Pat. Rest in peace.

Monday ‘s weather was cold and wet so no one asked for a group ride. There were still well over twenty of us at the pub with only Cider Bob being brave (stupid) enough to come on his motorcycle.

This week was the annual Photographic Competition. There were twelve entries and every member at the meeting was given a voting slip. There was clearly some sort of electoral fraud going on as the outstanding photograph of a Triumph backdropped by a Swiss stream didn’t win, losing (by some way 😊) to a very impressive photograph of a BSA chrome tank taken by Steve Whyte.

Next Monday we are at the Plume Of Feathers in Ickleford.

Monday 11th November 2024

Glorious sunshine but with only a slight chill in the air encouraged seven riders to meet up at Poplars Sainsburys for the group ride. Led by Cider Bob the route was via Walkern and the A507 to Buntingford, up the B1368, over to Royston, then Litlington and Staple Morden before heading down to Baldock and the Cock. It was a good paced ride on dry roads.

This is always a popular pub and the bar was full of members. Chatting away as the group ride arrived at 20:00. There’s not a lot to say about what was going on other than lots of friendly chat.

It wasn’t long before the food was brought out and Martin, the sandwich monitor did an excellent job of making sure everyone got some and no-one took too much. It was mostly made up of warm bacon sandwiches, hot sausages and chips. It was very nice indeed and plenty to go round – very much worth your £2 contribution!

Finally, a reminder: this Friday is our Late President, Pat Barrett’s funeral. Please join us at Hillcrest, Stevenage, SG11PN at 11:45, on your motorcycles, to assist in escorting the funeral courage to Harwood Park. Thank you.

Monday 4th November 2024

Although we are into November, the winter cold hadn’t arrived by Monday evening so by 16:00 several members had used our Whatsapp Group to request a group ride. With a mild temperature  and dry roads, eleven riders turned up at Poplars Sainsburys for a 19:00 start.

Leading lots of members in the dark is quite a challenge for the Leaders so, with a variety of riding experience and both Paul Purple VFR and Cider Bob available to lead, the group was split roughly in half. Paul led a faster group (although, in the dark, still not particularly quick) while Cider led a learner friendly group.

Both groups arrived at the Crown in Stotfold by 20:00, ready for the start of the annual Club quiz, run by the Chairman, Norbert. It was a well constructed quiz with questions on all sorts of topics, including some motorcycle related questions, and also some anagrams. It was also well paced, so no one got bored and it was all done in time for the mountains of food put on by the pub staff.

As always, the food was excellent, including the ever popular Gala Pie and after everyone had had plenty of opportunity to feed themselves to bursting, it was time for the results. In seventh place was the Motley Crew with 40 points, sixth was Two Plus One with 44 points. Next was Carcotte 3 with 52 points and then Dunces & Poppies drew in equal third with 57 points.

The 3 Stooges and Norfolk N Chance (who clearly stole the name from another quiz group 😉 !!) tied with 61 points. But winning the tie break question “to the nearest hundred, how many nuts and bolts are in the Eifel Tower”, the 3 Stooges pipped it, coming up with the answer “none as it’s riveted together”. Bottles of Adnams Brewery (yes, of Suffolk) wine were dished out to the winners.

However, whilst two of the three members of the team accepted their prize in ignorant bliss, it subsequently transpired that there were some slightly dodgy shinanigans afoot. It turned out the third member of the team had, in fact, overheard Norbert coming up with a tie break question and had heard the answer, before disseminating it to his team mates. This made it a somewhat hollow victory but didn’t stop the wine being taken home! First round of drinks for Norfolk N Chance are on the 3 Stoogies next Monday!

Never-the-less, it was a very entertaining evening for all. Thanks to Norbert for being Quiz Master and to the Treasurer for travelling all the way to Southwold for the wine!

Next week we are at the Cock in Baldock.

As always through the winter, if you want a group ride, wait until Monday and if you like the look of the weather, request it on the Whatsapp group by 16:00.

Finally, further to last week’s addendum regarding our Late President, Pat Barrett’s funeral on Friday 15th November, we request members join us at Hillcrest, Stevenage, SG11PN at 11:45, on your motorcycles, to assist in escorting the funeral courage to Harwood Park. Thank you.

Monday 28 th October 2024

After last week’s lovely Monday evening weather, it was looking similar for this week so, by 10:00 in the morning, a few members had posted on the Whatsapp group to say they wanted a group ride. This turned out to be a bit premature as by 15:00, it was raining and most of them had withdrawn their request. Of course we forgive Pete Blackburn because we know he’s going to give up on it if there’s a hint of any more than one spot of rain 😊

At this point, we’d like to remind you; to make life easier for the ride leaders, please only ask for a group ride once you are pretty much certain you are coming (barring broken brake levers and the like! 😊). It’s fine to leave it until the afternoon, as long as you’ve let us know by 16:00. Thank you.

Fortunately, there were still four members keen on getting out in a group so with Paul unavailable, it was back to Cider Bob leading the pack from Poplars Sainsburys at 19:00.

As it turned out, most of the ride was dry and it was very mild so it turned out to be a fun ride of bang on an hour.

The Bucks Head in Little Wymondley was the destination where there were a surprising number of members spread around the bars. There was some confusion as one member had been told the pub had closed down. This wasn’t quite accurate as we were very much welcomed, not least of which, with a gorgeous chilli and tortilla crips. There was loads to go round and, with the two pans not being emptied, Cider Bob “worked hard” to make sure there was none left to go to waste. Unfortunately, the information of the Bucks Head closing was closer to the truth than we’d like as the current Landlord/Landlady are giving it up. We thank them for making us so welcome and wish them the best of luck. At the moment, we don’t know if it will be taken over or, sadly, like so many village pubs, closing down completely.

Next week we are back at one of the members’ favorites, the Crown in Stotfold for the Quiz. As always, Norbert the Chairman will be the question master so please come along in a team or individually as it’s always entertaining.


We have now had confirmation that the Late President, Pat Barrett’s funeral will take place at 12:30 on Friday 15th November. More details will follow once we have them.

Monday 21 st October 2024

On what was likely to be the last decent Monday evening’s riding weather of the year, Paul turned up to lead the group ride for the 19:00 start at Poplars Sainsburys. But, with it being such a lovely evening, twelve riders had come along. We try to keep the group rides down to ten at the most but, fortunately, Jason Callaby had also come and volunteered to lead a second group, cutting the numbers in half – thanks for stepping in Jason. Both were thoroughly enjoyed.

Leaving pretty much on time, both groups arrived at the Stag in Stotfold by 20:00, ready for an evening of socialising, a bit of grub and, for those not riding or driving, a few beers.

The staff were as welcoming as always and there was loads of food – a good job as it was a really well attended evening and the pub was packed – much to the indignation of the regular knitting group!

Next week we will be at the Bucks Head in Little Wymondley. As always throughout the winter, let us know on Monday if you want a group ride.

Monday 14th October 2024

It was a very sad week and the end of an era as our Club President, Pat Barrett died. Pat joined the club not long after it was formed in 1961. He was elected to the Committee in 1963, and once arrived late for a Committee meeting; when asked why he replied “ I have been watching Steptoe and Son” ( a comedy on the tv about a rag and bone father and son). He was elected Chairman in 1964, and for some reason resigned and became Assistant Secretary in 1968 only to be back as Chairman again in 1970. An Extraordinary General Meeting was arranged in December 1975 as Pat had resigned again as Chairman and proposed that Chris Tait take over. In 1977 he was elected  Vice Chairman which he held until 1979 when our then President George Brown passed away, and Pat was asked to take on the position of President, which he did until his untimely death this year on the 12th October 2024. He worked in Letchworth until he went to work for our Chairman’s dad’s motor cycle shop in Stevenage old town – George Brown Motor Cycles.
Pat got involved with motorcycle sprinting and hill climbs on a 1000cc Vincent sidecar outfit with Phil Chambers in the chair and was very successful all over the country.Later on he moved jobs and worked for a company in Stevenage that made Milk Cartons. When that closed down he had various other jobs until he decided to retire for good. Pat was a great lover of the Isle of Man TT and went over 60 years on the trot, being honoured by the Commissioners of Douglas for his achievement. He made many friends on the Island, especially Germans who he made laugh with the many jokes and stories he told. He loved his caravan in Norfolk and was up there nearly every weekend in the summer with his wife Hazel.

Pat leaves wife Hazel, daughters Amanda and Lisa, grandchildren and a great grandchild, whom we send all our condolences to. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him.

However, Pat wasn’t the sort of person who would expect things to stop for him so our Monday evening annual Clubauction went ahead as planned, preceded by a toast to him.

There was no group ride to the pub. Having moved to the winter “rules” for our Monday evening ride outs, by 16:00 on the Monday, no one had asked for a group ride so, at 16:22, Cider sent out a message saying there wouldn’t be one. Unfortunately, at 16:22, Dave Fiske sent a message saying he’d like one! These messages overlapped and Dave’s was missed so no leaders were arranged and there was no group ride. Later, at the pub, in conversation it turned out at least one other rider would have been up for it too so potentially there would have been four for a ride.

The weather actually turned out to be quite nice for a ride, as Cider found out through the country lanes and villages on his CRF250L to Baldock where, at the Hen & Chickens, the only other already was Nick’s lovely Triumph 900 Tiger. Although, as the evening went on, more bikes turned up.

It was initially quite quiet in the pub as the auction got under way at 20:00 but over the next few minutes, as Norbert (the Club Chairman) went through the donated lots, more and more members trickled in so by half way through, the pub was quite full.

Norbert battled on through the background chat with an excellent display of auctioneering, although the detail in his descriptions might need a little work for next year – it’s always useful to know the size of the clothes you are bidding on.

The auction raised £264. We will update you after the next Committee meeting as to where the money will go – Club, charity or both.

It was a good night with lots of people staying later than normal.

Next week we will be at the Stag in Stotfold.

Don’t forget, if you’d like a group ride, let us know on the main Whatsapp group on Monday by 16:00.

Monday 7th October 2024

The weather has turned generally autumny and there has been a lot of rain over the last couple of weeks so less people have been riding. But Saturday was lovely so several members were out and about. Monday stayed mostly dry and was still very mild but, yet again, the forecast of rain probably put a few regulars off. Never-the-less, both Paul Purple VFR and Cider Bob turned up to lead and another three riders were there to enjoy what turned out to be about an hour and a quarter’s dry and mild ride around some lovely roads.

Claire was also at Sainsburys but, having already done some riding during the day and, with no other learners coming along, she was less keen on joining the more experienced riders. As we always say, we only go as quick as the slowest rider overall so even if a rider starts to get left behind, we always wait further up the road. But we also understand it may be a little intimidating if you are less confident and you may feel like you are holding others up. That’s not how we look at it so don’t let it put you off – the more you ride, the better you get! That said, Cider Bob did say he would lead Claire on a separate ride but she had probably talked herself out of it by that stage so chose to go straight home. But it was still great to see her.

Don’t forget, just because you may not fancy riding in the poorer weather, it’s a social Club as well as a motorcycle Club so you can still meet us at the pub, on your bike or in your car!

We were at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley this week and it was as popular as ever with about twenty five or so of us meeting up. We were welcomed as always and there was enough food for everyone. There was lots of social chat by lots of little groups and several members just wandering around, mingling in the various groups. Another nice way to spend an evening.

Next week is our Club Auction, at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. Please bring along anything you think may sell; particularly, but not limited to, motorcycle gear. And also please bring some cash to buy lots – you might pick up a bargain (although some old tat from last year’s auction is more likely!🙂). Either way, it’s always a very entertaining night.

Please note: As of next Monday, although we haven’t quite got to GMT yet, we are reverting to our winter approach to the group ride(s). So the rides will start, from Poplars Sainsburys at 19:00 and will last for around forty to sixty minutes; maybe dropping to about thirty minutes in the depths of winter.

Also, Leaders will only be there to lead if someone in the Club has requested a group ride, for that evening, on the Club’s main Whatsapp group by 16:00 on that Monday. It doesn’t matter how many request it – we will aim to run it for as few as one! This means our Leaders aren’t left waiting in the cold and/or wet on the off chance someone will turn up – sometimes only to find no one does ☹

If you have an questions, contact Cider on Whatsapp.

Monday 30th September 2024

Frank led another of his great group rides this weekend, with a few stops including Woburn and 3 Locks. Five riders went on the ride and had mostly great weather but were rained upon part way round.

Monday saw another day with a lot of rain and some mildly gusting winds which seemed to put a lot of members off venturing out. It’s a shame because, while every indication suggested the weather would be miserable, the group ride, consisting of only three riders, led by Cider Bob, had a dry ride on mostly dry roads – and the temperature was mild too. So, all in all, using a variety of roads but mostly As and Bs, it was enjoyed by all three.

Attendance at the pub was equally low with only thirteen of us in total. As well as the weather putting people off, it seems some members think Ware is too far East so don’t venture that far.

But, as always, we were well looked after and there was plenty of food for everyone.

Even though it was a small crowd, everyone was very sociable. But, with darkness fallen, and some light but persistent rain, most had cleared out by about 21:30 with only a few of the Committee left until about 22:00.

Next week we will be at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. This is generally a very popular pub so hopefully it will be a bit better attended.

The week after that is our annual Club Auction at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. This is always a very entertaining night where we auction off pretty much anything half decent. If you have pretty much anything you’d like to donate that someone else might buy, please bring it along. It doesn’t have to be motorcycle related, although that’s what most of it will be: tools, clothing, books, gadgets etc. What we don’t want is utter tat! Even if you don’t have anything to donate, please come along for the laugh and maybe to bid on something to build the Club coffers.

Monday 23rd September 2024

After properly torrential rain over Sunday night into Monday morning, many of the roads around Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire were flooded so only five intrepid (or mad) motorcyclists met up at Poplars Sainsburys. Although two of them, being less experienced, had better thoughts of it and, with the threat of more rain, decided to go home for a cuppa. That left just two joining Cider Bob, who led the ride.

Surprisingly, the route was almost entirely dry. Although, having got reasonably close to the pub destination a little too early, Cider was stupid enough to add a loop via the Hatleys, where upon the group were poured down upon. Strangely, once back to the original route at Wrestlingworth, the rain stopped like a switch. So, if he’d have stuck to his original plan, they’d have got round the whole route staying dry and with only occasional damp roads, rather than arriving with dripping waterproofs. That said, it’s all good experience and all three seemed to enjoy the ride.

The weather, darkness and potential for flooding also put off others that might have otherwise come to the pub in cars. So, at the Edward V11 in Guilden Morden, there were less than twenty of us I total.

The staff at the Edward V11 always put on a decent amount of food and, with so few of us, there was mountains to get through. Everyone worked hard to demolish as much as possible but there was still plenty left over so one of two took some for the following day’s lunch.

Even though there weren’t many of it, it was an entertaining evening with all sorts of chat, ranging from Darren’s fiftieth birthday party over the weekend to the benefits and drawbacks of e-fuel versus hydrogen and electric.

Hopefully the weather will be better next week for a good turnout to the Rifle Volunteer in Ware.

Monday 16th September 2024

Summer returned this Monday, after a more autumny weekend when a few members were out and about in small groups.

With Paul still away and Cider Bob also on another biking trip, Frank led the relaxed group, Matt Aldous volunteered to lead the fast group and it was a welcome return of Pete Blackburn to leading for the intermediate group.

Frank had a group of eight with Colin near the back to help keep it together. He commented that Clair and the others did very well keeping up and loved the view of the near full moon.

Pete Blackburn had a group of six on the intermediate group and covered about thirty miles. He was pleased to be back leading as his work tends to get in the way these days.

Matt had eight in his group and was having a good ride but missed a turning so then ended up coming the last few miles on the A505 and A507, getting to the pub just after 20:00.

We had been due to meet at the Ickwell Cricket Club but, due to circumstances beyond our control, we had to make a change and were hosted by our “old faithful” Crown in Stotfold. Even with relatively short notice, they looked after us as well as always and there was, of course, plenty of Gala pie to go round, even thought it was a very well attended evening with over fifty of us out. Thanks to all at the pub for looking after us again.

Next Monday we will be at the Edward V11 in Guilden Morden. We’ll have the usual 18:30 relaxed & swift group rides from Poplars Sainsburys and, if there’s enough of you, an intermediate ride too. Don’t forget, you can also request a 19:00 ride, if you let us know on Monday by 16:00 and we will make every effort to accommodate you.

Monday 9th September 2024

September is normally still a generally mild month with the temperature just starting to turn autumnal. This Monday was along those lines with a mild evening. There had been heavy rain storms over the weekend and Monday had had some rain but mostly drizzle. But come the evening, the skies brightened and it stayed dry for the twenty two riders that met up at Poplars Sainsburys.

Paul Purple VFR was still away on yet another motorcycling tour in Europe but Frank was on hand to lead the faster group. Darren was on his little Cub but was happy to lead the slower group and Cider Bob was out on his CRF250L and led the intermediate group. The feedback suggested Frank’s was a little more relaxed than normal while Cider was cracking on at a reasonably pace, getting the most out of that little single cylinder 250.

As is often the case, several riders, members in cars and even some as pedestrians had gone directly to the pub which, this week, was the had Hen & Chickens in Baldock.

There were around about forty or so in total so the pub was quite full. Tally and her staff looked after us all as well as ever and, after last week, normal food service returned with Denitza putting on an absolute mountain with very much more than enough for everyone to have two rounds or more. Martin, our sandwich monitor, was feeling a bit under the weather so went home early and asked Cider Bob to control the hords as they descended on the tables of food. Being one to take his roles to heart, he took a somewhat authoritarian stance, showing everyone a general portion size as they came along. He did mention he felt a bit like a school teacher and thought he may have gone a bit overboard on Policing the situation. However, if the occasional member didn’t  treat it like their evening dinner, taking mountains on their first visit to the table of food, it would be unnecessary to be so controlling. As it turned out, this week there was no need for any control and there was loads left over. Fortunately, several members took advantage of this and went away with doggy bags.

Next week, due to reasons beyond our control, there is a change to the original Calendar. We will now be at the Crown in Stotfold.

It’s Cider Bob turn to be off on another motorcycling tour so he won’t be around to lead a group. Paul Purple VFR also is still away so Matt Aldous has kindly volunteered to lead the faster group while Frank will lead the relaxed group. Unusually, Pete Blackburn can make it for the group ride so will be leading the intermediate group. So meet us at Poplars Sainsburys if you fancy about 90 minutes of group riding before ending up at the pub.

Monday 2nd September 2024

A week last Friday Cider Bob gave a talk on using “The System of Motorcycle Control” to become a better road rider. It was a really well attended evening with thirty eight members coming along. This was followed by a day of “observed rides” yesterday, with Cider being joined by IAM qualified Observers Bruno, Fiona, Ian and Pete along with Tony from the Fire Bike team. Sixteen members were taken out and given hints and tips on how to improve their riding – not necessarily riding slower but learning techniques to ride safe while still making decent progress. A big thank you to all the Observers but also to the members who came along supporting the initiative.

While all this was going on, other members were also out riding in several small groups over the past couple of weeks.

The Monday evening ride from Poplars Sainsburys was well attended with about twenty or so riders. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond our control, at late notice we ended up with only one ride leader. Fortunately, John Clark very kindly volunteered to lead the faster group on his leading debut and he did a sterling job – thanks John. Cider led the slower group.

While John had a couple of detours and some circuitous diversions due to road closures, he still got his group to the pub not long after 20:00. Cider took his more relaxed pace ride through Watton at Stone, via Walkern and up the old A10 and  B1368 to Royston, then on to the pub.

The Hoops in Bassingbourn was the destination, where there were already eight bikes parked up.

It was a good crowd and they were very chatty, although the food was very disappointing this time. Traditionally, the Hoops has always provided mountains of really nice food but, for the second time, there hasn’t been anywhere near enough for everyone to get even a little, let alone £2 worth. We are sorry for this and we will look to resolve it for our next visit.

Never-the-less, the staff are lovely and we were very much welcomed.

Next week, for the first time in a few months, we will be back at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. As always, you can join one of the Poplars Sainsburys group rides or meet us there.

Monday 14th July 2024

Even with a threat of rain, there was a really good turnout for the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys. Paul led the swift group, Frank led the intermediate group and Bill led the relaxed group. The rides were excellent and it stayed dry!

The Bee Hive in Hare Street was the destination where, as is often the case, several motorcycles were already in the car park and even more members were in the pub.

We are always well looked after by the staff at the Bee Hive and this time was no different. As well as smiling friendly service, the food served up was great, with loads of sandwiches, roast potatoes, pizza and hot sausages – gorgeous. And all this for only £2.

Next week is a bank holiday so there’s no planned meeting. But don’t let that stop you arranging your own group ride and inviting other Club members along.

The week after, on Monday 2nd September, we will be at the we will be at the Hoops in Bassingbourn.

Before that, this coming Friday, 23rd August, Cider Bob is giving a talk on how to improve your road riding – aimed at any members who haven’t done any form of Advanced training, so please come along. It starts 19:00 at the Longfield Fire Training Centre, Hitchin Road, Stevenage SG1 4AE. There will also be a short input from the Fire Bike team.

Monday 14th August 2024

Yesterday was our annual memorial ride. It was a lovely day for it but we only had fifteen riders – this mainly seemed to be because many member were on holiday or had other things going on. The ride was led by the Chairman and took a fifty or so mile route passing the homes or towns of members who’ve passed away over recent years. After a tour of Stevenage, we headed through Walkern to Buntingford, Royston, Harston, Haslingfield and Meldreth before finishing at the Hoops in Bassingbourn. There, we raised a glass in memory. Thanks to those who came along.

Monday was monstrously hot during the day and stayed dry so it was a good turnout for the evening group rides from Poplars Sainsburys. With seventeen riders, we split into three groups with Paul leading the swift group, Cider Bob leading the relaxed/learners/cruisers group and Frank leading the intermediate group. Paul used the usual decent sized roads for good pace while Cider took the slower group through the countryside on some smaller, more challenging but fun roads.

Arriving at the Angel in Ware by 20:00, several motorcycles were already in the car park and even more members were in the pub. Even though some of our older members no longer ride bikes either in lower evening light levels or even at all , they still come along for the social side. Most of them have a wealth of motorcycling experience and knowledge, with lots of them being ex racers from years gone by. Everyone is friendly and sociable so if you’ve never ended up in a conversation with them, why not introduce yourself!

With members throughout the bars and in the garden, it wasn’t long before the evening’s food was served. There was plenty to go round with a platter for each of the tables outside.

As the darkness began to descend, members began to go, leaving only the stalwarts by 22:00 once properly dark.

Next week we will be at the Bee Hive in Hare Street. As always, you can join one of the Poplars Sainsburys group rides or meet us there.

Monday 5th August 2024

More great weather meant lots of members individually or in their own little groups spent lots of Saturday and Sunday riding.

The lovely weather continued on Monday so eighteen riders met at Poplars Sainsburys for the group rides. Paul Purple VFR led his usual swift ride while Bill once again volunteered to lead the relaxed ride. Cider Bob led an intermediate group so all types of rider were catered for. The first two groups arrived at the pub by 20:00 but Cider’s was a little late, thanks to a level crossing and a road closure.

Although not everyone chose to join one of the group rides, it was an even bigger turnout at the pub, with over forty motorcycles and even more members who had come in cars.

The pub this week was the Crown in Buntingford. Last year, there wasn’t enough food to go round so this year, we arranged for some extra. It seems many remembered the lack of food so didn’t want to spend £2 this time. That was a shame as there was enough food to feed the five thousand so there was a lot left over. Not wanting to be wasteful, some members cleared it away in some tin foil for the next days’ lunch!

It started to get dark by about 21:15 so members started to disperse, with the last hanging on until almost closing time.

Next week we will be at the Angel in Ware.

Before that, this coming Sunday is our annual Memorial Ride – a gathering of members for a fifty or so mile ride followed by a toast to those that have passed away in recent year. Our destination will be the Hoops in Bassingbourn so please come along for the ride if you can. Meet at 11:00 at Poplars Sainsburys.

Monday 29th July 2024

With stunning weather this week, twenty four riders turned up for the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys.

No-one had asked for a 19:00 ride so it was just 18:30 but we split into four  groups – a slower one for the learners and more relaxed riders, led by Bill Dixon, a medium paced ride led by Darren and a faster group led by Paul Purple VFR (freshly back from yet another European motorcycle tour). Cider Bob led a fourth group for whoever wanted to join, leading at a pace that suited the slowest in the group.

Each of the rides lasted about an hour and a half and the destination was the Boot in Dane End, which is a very motorcyclist friendly pub.

In addition to the twenty four riders in the group rides, the car park ended up with a further nineteen bikes, including some very special machinery – a Harris and an MV F4 to name but a few.

Jason and Bev, who walked down as they live about fifty yards away, were there, along with several of the older members who’ve given up riding on a Monday night (mostly because of the difficulties in riding home in the dark).

The  pub staff were very welcoming and put on a mountain of food – chips, sausage rolls, quiche and a huge pile of cheese and ham sandwiches – exactly what we like. Even with over fifty of us there, there was plenty for everyone.

It was a fun ride, lovely evening and a nice ride home.

Next week we will be at the Crown in Buntingford.

On Sunday 11th August we are running our annual Memorial Run, Fortunately, no Club members have died this year but, not only is it a good opportunity to remember our past members, it’s a chance for a sociable Sunday ride with a pub stop, where we shall raise a Club funded glass to them. Full details to follow.

Also, a reminder that if you’d like some hints and tips on becoming a better road rider, Cider Bob has arranged a talk and some observed rides with the Herts Fire Bike Team, with the assistance of some qualified members.

There will be one theory input (don’t worry, it’s not like school!) on Friday 23rd August and one on the morning of Sunday 1st September. There will be also be observed rides on Sunday 1st September and we will be running one-one observed rides as and when members want them. Message Cider if you are interested and haven’t already let us know.

Monday 22nd July 2024

Our write-up for this week mysteriously disappeared or didn’t save so this is quite a short summary – now we are getting on a bit, we can barely remember what happened ten minutes ago, let along last two week!

It was our Summer Social at the Crown in Stotfold.

We had about twenty riders turn up at Poplars Sainsburys who left in four groups but all arrived by 20:00.

There were lots of other members, and some family members, already at the pub and, as is usually the case, there was lots of friendly socialising. In no time the huge amount of food was served up and after the majority of it was demolished, the raffle was drawn, where ten people won some really great prizes.

Unfortunately, even though we put these Socials on as special events, members still need to get away at a sensible time, mostly for work in the morning, so by 22:00, the pub was almost cleared.

But it was a good night and we had excellent feedback.

Monday 15th July 2024

Yesterday was our annual George Brown Memorial Run, in memory of the famous motorcycle racer who was involved in setting up the Club back in 1961. The weather was excellent, which always encourages a larger turnout and we had over thirty entrants. It’s a day when vintage and classic motorcycle riders meet up for a forty or so mile bimble through the countryside to a pub for a ploughman’s lunch, chat and a look over each other’s machines, and then a twenty or so mile bimble back to the start point. There are a number of awards presented for all sort of things and you can find out what, along with a more detailed summary of the event, on the GBMR page of our website – click here.

Our Monday ride this week was to the Cock in Broom. The Met Office had put out a weather warning and it seems the only riders who turned up for the group ride were those that hadn’t seen the warning! The ride consisted of Claire, Lisa and Loz on their 125s, Brian on his 500, with Dave and Frank at the back, all led by Cider Bob. The pace was dictated by the 125s, which gradually increased throughout the hour and a quarter ride, which was on mostly A and B roads. The group arrived at 20:00 just as the rain began to fall, having avoided virtually all the rain en-route. As the group walked into the pub, the heavens opened with torrential rain. The ride was fun and the learners in particular seemed to get a good buzz out of it.

It was an unsurprisingly small turnout at the pub, with not quite twenty of us in total. But, under the outdoor cover, out of the rain but in the warm evening air, it was a very pleasant night with some entertaining chats. It did involve some degree of raised voices as the rain hammered down on the roof which, inevitably, brought the conversation of how the riders would deal with the journey home.

After the food had been devoured and with a little day light left, most of the group ride left together. Again, with Cider Bob leading the way, the less confident learners donned what waterproofs they had and ventured into the pouring rain. Cider kept the pace down and they did really well, building their confidence as they negotiated puddle, to dry line, to flood and so on. Lisa in particular suffered as she wears glasses so was steaming up, and also got absolutely covered by a splash from an on-coming vehicle, while Loz struggled to see at times. But they persevered and all got back to Stevenage without incident. Brian had some water resistant kit but the volume of rain was more than only the very best waterproofs would have kept out. Well done and thank you to all that came along on bikes, particularly the less experienced.

Others in the Cock, who had come by car, were quite happy to stay longer, enjoying the sociable chat.

Next week is the Summer social at the Crown in Stotfold. As always, there is free food and a drink or two for members and there will be a raffle with some good quality prizes. We also encourage you to bring partners and family along.

There will be the usual 18:30 group ride(s) from Poplars Sainsburys.

Monday 8 th July 2024

Although there was on and off heavy rain yesterday, and even thunder storms in the afternoon, Frank  still led a group ride over to Woburn Sands for a late breakfast. It was a great ride and fortunately they managed to dodge all the rain showers.

Monday was a big day for “sandwich monitor” Martin. Writing off his Triumph Thruxton hasn’t put him off and, even though he still can’t ride comfortably, he’s bought a replacement (Triumph Tiger 900) which he had delivered during the afternoon. He didn’t bring it to the Club but lets hope he joins us on it soon.

The Monday evening group rides weren’t as well attended as of late. Rain was forecast, which normally puts riders off, although there were still eight of us will to tackle the elements. Paul Purple VFR  is off on yet another biking trip this week so, with his VFR trip prepared, wasn’t bringing it out and his beautifully restored ZX6r doesn’t come out in the rain so, along with an underlying threat of Covid, he stayed at home. There was no shortage of other leaders with Cider Bob, Frank, Darren and Dave all there, joined by a few others members. Rather than splitting the group, Cider Bob led a mixed pace ride with the faster riders at the front and the more relaxed riders towards the back but with Darren taking up TEC. Although the pace was reasonably swift at the front (getting up to close to the speed limit a lot of the time), Cider Bob slowed significantly for all the speed limits so everyone could catch up. This kept the group together quite well. Although rain was forecast, it actually stayed pretty much dry (slight drizzle but dry roads) for the entire fifty mile route and, with a nice temperature, it was a really fun ride.

There were about twenty or so more already at the Hoops in Bassingbourn but, because of the drizzle, they were all inside and almost all the tables were occupied. But, we all squeezed in and it was very sociable. It wasn’t long before the food came out which, unusually for the Hoops, wasn’t vast in quantity. This was probably because they predicted lower numbers as aresult of the rain. Never-the-less, there was still enough for everyone to have a a few nibbles, although the last one at the table lost out on any chips so had two samosas instead. The hot dogs were nice and there was plenty of sauce. Still good value for your £2 – try getting that much anywhere else for that price!.

By 21:00, the rain was coming down a little harder and by 22:00 the bar had pretty much cleared. But, even with the rain, it was a really good night.

This coming Sunday is our annual George Brown Memorial Run which will be starting at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley SG4 7HY. You can read more about the event on our “GBMR” web page but whatever you ride, old or new, big or small, we encourage all our members to come along and enjoy what is always a great motorcycling day out. And even if you can’t join in on a classic, for £8 you can have a ploughman’s at the lunch stop pub. Please come along and support our event if you can.

Next week we will be at the Cock in Broom. This is a really old put that serves directly from the cellar. It’s always very popular so come along and enjoy the fun if you can. You can meet us there or join one of the group rides from Poplars Sainsburysat 18:30. If you’d like a 19:00 group ride, let us know on Monday by 16:00.

Finally, back in the 1990s, we arranged a free road safety event where Police motorcyclists gave us an informal theory input of their riding manual “Roadcraft”, followed by some “observed rides” to help make us better riders. Nowadays, you can pay for this as “Bikesafe”. There seems to be some current interest in getting some experienced advice but without the formality of the IAM so we are looking to see if we can do it again either with the Police or “in-house”. If you would be interested, please let us know via the poll on our main Whatsapp group – posted at 19:33 on 09/07/2024.

Monday 1st July 2024

Again, this weekend’s weather was generally good so lots of members were out on their own little group rides on Saturday but Sunday saw the long awaiting visit to the Air Ambulance finally come to fruition. Numbers were limited to twenty; all places were booked and everyone turned up on time at Baldock Services. The day had been organised by Kelvin but Cider Bob had planned and led an hour and a quarter’s ride for nine of the swifter riders while Frank planned and led a more relaxed group ride for the other nine. The weather was OK but there was some light rain so, even after Cider Bob stopped to offer a waterproofs donning break, which no one took up, several members got quite damp. There was also an incident on the slippery M11/A414 roundabout when one of Frank’s group had a slight mishap resulting in laying the bike down. The rider subsequently made it to North Weald but, after being checked over by the Air Ambulance doctor, wasn’t able to ride home. Fortunately, injuries appear to be relatively minor sprains and strains – we wish them a speedy recovery!

The Air Ambulance volunteer was amazing. Really enthusiastic and helpful. After furnishing us all with a hot drink, she gave a very interesting presentation on all aspects of the service and, once the crew arrived back after a job (which they’d had to attend in a fast response car because the helicopter was temporarily out of action), we were shown into the hanger for a look around the Augusta Westland AW169. We also had the chance to chat to the pilot, doctor and paramedic. It was a really really interesting visit and a great day all round.

We are proud to have raised some money for this worthy cause but, considering our £500 is only about 12 minutes of flying time, they are always looking for donations so, if you can, please donate whenever you have the opportunity. They also have a monthly lottery so you can donate and potentially win at the same time. They are also keen to recruit more volunteers. In a day or two we will have created an Air Ambulance Visit album on the gallery page where you will find some info fliers and some photos of our visit. For more info, click on this link – Air Ambulance.

Monday’s weather wasn’t so good, having dropped in temperature and offering a bit of a threat of rain. None-the-less, just over twenty riders turned up at Poplars Sainsburys for the groups rides. Paul led the swifter group, over to Takeley and Safron Waldon before returning north and west to the pub. The more relaxed rides were more popular this week so Cider Bob took up TEC of Paul’s group while Frank led an intermediate ride and Bill Dixon kindly led the relaxed group. All three groups arrived at the pub by 20:00 with all enjoying their respective rides.

Our destination was the Pig & Abbot in Abingdon Pigotts. It’s a great pub in the middle of nowhere and they always serve up high quality food. This time was no different. To start with, we thought there wouldn’t be enough to go round so, with Martin the “Sandwich Monitor” still being absent due to injury, Cider Bob shouted out for everyone to be restrained in piling their plates. This worked so well that, after everyone had been round once, most had a second go and one or two had a third go, there was still a little bit left over. We’d like to thank everyone for being considerate.

Next week we will be at the Hoops in Bassingbourn. We will have the usual groups rides or you can meet us there.

Don’t forget, on Sunday 14 th July we have the Club’s annual George Brown Memorial Run which, this year, will be starting at the Plume of Feathers car park in Little Wymondley SG4 7HY. You can read more about the event on our “GBMR” web page but whatever you ride, old or new, big or small, we encourage all our members come along and enjoy what is always a great motorcycling day out. And even if you can’t join in as a competitor, for £8 you can have a ploughman’s at the lunch stop pub. Please come along and support our event if you can.

Monday 24th June 2024

Another good weekend of riding with great weather and members out in groups all over the place – some local and, thanks to a last minute step in by Steve Whyte, one over to the east coast.

The weather got even hotter for the Monday evening ride, helping encourage twenty seven riders to gather at Poplars Sainsburys. Unfortunately, Frank was feeling a bit under the weather so Cider Bob stepped in,  on his CRF250L, to lead one of the two more relaxed rides, along with Darren on his Honda C125 Cub (yes, he really did bring it along to a motorcycle Club night!) who led the second. Paul led one of the swifter rides, on his ZX6R while Matt led the other one on his Aprillia.

As a very inclusive Club, it was great to have so many riders, particularly several new and returning ladies and several learners.

All the rides seemed very popular with some great routes and speeds appropriate for respective wishes. By 20:00 all four groups had arrived at the pub.

This week, our destination was the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. Most members were outside but the place was heaving, with over fifty in attendance.  Not only did the great weather help but Denitza was on hand, with her other half, cooking up an excellent BBQ. The two of them worked really hard all evening to provide us with some really tasty food – and at a cost of only £3 compared to the recent £10 BBQ we had, everyone seemed to think it was much better value and the food was just as good. There was plenty of food for everyone and it was a really successful BBQ and a great night all round. Massive thanks to Denitza, and future husband!?.

It seems there was quite a lot of chat about newer/inexperienced members benefitting from riding with more experienced riders and some thought some extra advice might be helpful. With this in mind, we wondered if there would be much interest in an informal “advanced” training evening theory input followed by some on road guidance by specifically trained members. If you think this is something you’d be interested in, let us know and we will look to arrange something.

This coming Sunday is the group ride to the Air Ambulance that Kelvin has arranged. All the available spaces are now filled so if you haven’t already booked your slot, unfortunately you are now too late.

Next Monday we will be at the Pig & Abbot in Abingdon Pigotts

As usual, we will aim to run at least one relaxed and one swift group at 18:30 from Poplars Sainsburys. We will try to arrange additional leaders, on the off chance we continue to have large numbers turning up, and we will try to support a 19:00 group if anyone requests it (if you’d like a 19:00 group ride, please request it on Monday, by 16:00).

Another date for your diary is Sunday 14th July 2024. As a Club, we run the annual George Brown Memorial Run which, this year, will be starting at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley SG4 7HY.

You can read more about the event on our “GBMR” web page but whatever you ride, we encourage any motorcyclists, particularly Club members to come along and enjoy the day on whatever bike you have. If you can come along on a classic (pre 2005), all the better. Please come along and support our event if you can.

Monday 20th June 2024

There were several group rides over the past week and, with excellent riding weather this Monday, there were well over twenty riders who turned up at Poplars Sainsburys to join one of the 18:30 group rides. Frank kindly organised everything last week, including the Bikestop monthly ride, but both Cider Bob and Paul were back from their respective biking trips so each of them, along with

Frank and Darren led the group rides. Various members had done a great job of advertising the Club at the Bikestop event and, as a result, four new members were signed up; two of them learners. It’s great to welcome these new members to the Club: Laura, Lisa, Rebecca and Brian.

We ran two swift rides and two relaxed rides, with approximately six riders in each group. All four groups were out for about an hour and a half, arriving at the Bee Hive in Hare Street at about 20:00.

The place was heaving, with lost of members inside and loads outside, enjoying the evening sun. It wasn’t long before the food was served up and “Food Monitor” Martin jumped into action, identifying what everyone could have first time round. That worked really well and more food subsequently came out which meant there was plenty for everyone – those inside were even nice enough to tell those outside when hot jacket potatoes were added to the spread!

At this point, we’d like to say how great it was to see Martin again. This was his first visit back to the Club since his little spill. He’s looking well, although still in too much discomfort to ride, but it hasn’t put him off and his Triumph Tiger to replace the Triumph Thruxton is on order!!!

All too soon, the evening drew to an end with most members taking advantage of the late sunlight for a ride home before dark. That said, some stayed until closing time.

Next Monday we will be at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock were a slight increase from the weekly £2 to £3 will get you a BBQ hot dog and burger and probably some salad, served up by Denitza..

Sunday 30 th June is our visit to the Air Ambulance at North Weald. There are only six places left so contact Kelvin if you’d like to be included.

Monday 10th June 2024

Last week, Frank led a group of six Club members over to the did a ride to the Super Sausage in Northamptonshire with Alan taking TEC. They followed that with a visit to the Milton Keynes SportsBikeShop. Apparently, it was like watching children in a sweet shop!

Yesterday the Club organised the “first Sunday of the month” Bikestop ride (even though it was the second Sunday of the month!) at fairly short notice. Again, thanks to Frank for taking this on and making it a success. It a good turn out of Club  members who mingled and gave out Club  cards advising our Monday rides. We had two groups – the swifter group led by Frank and TEC by Alan with the relaxed ride led by Bill with TEC by David and Richard. The faster group ended with twenty plus riders, taking about an hour to cover a thirty four 34 mile route.

The weather for this week’s Monday Club meeting at the Edward V11 in Guilden Morden was a bit poor and seemed to put a lot of people off. The relaxed ride had a few 125s, which was led by Bill, while the faster group was lead by Frank. They both had good rides, missing most of the rain but there were less than twenty in total at the pub, so, with the mountain of food they normally put on, there was loads left over.

Next week is a change to the Calendar. We will now be at the Bee Hive in Hare Street

Monday 3rd June 2024

It was a Bank Holiday last Monday so there was no Club meeting but lots of members were out on their bikes over both last weekend and this weekend.

This week was our BBQ at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley.

Thirteen riders met up at Poplars Sainsburys for the group rides where Cider Bob led the swifter ride and Frank led the more relaxed ride, with a variety of bikes including a Monkey Bike.

Both groups were at the Pub by 19:45 where there were already a lot more members in attendance. With nearly fifty in total, it was a good crowd but, with the mild and dry weather, there was no squeezing into the bar as about half stayed out in the garden.

The BBQ was served up at about 20:20 but, as is often the case, some that rushed to the front of the queue piled their plates high rather than taking one of everything before returning for seconds after everyone had had some. This meant many missed out on some while Jason and Lisa didn’t get any. We, the Committee, take some of the blame in this case as we should have made it more clear what everyone could have. But a bit of common sense and thoughtfulness would also have helped.

That said, the food was lovely. Most people got a decent quality burger and sausage along with tasty chicken and those earlier in the queue had some really nice coleslaw and salad. There were mixed views on the amount of food with some saying it wasn’t enough for the £10 while the majority went away more than happy. While it wasn’t as good value as a typical Monday night £2 snack, we would like to remind everyone that the pub had to put on the extra Chef and the meat was good quality, not cheap rubbish. We are happy to receive more constructive criticism but, if we arrange something similar again, we will learn from our mistakes. But we would also like to thank everyone who came along for supporting it.

There was a really good atmosphere at the pub and it felt like exactly what we want our Club to be – warm, friendly and welcoming.

The array of bikes in the car park was also impressive. There were ‘race’ bikes (S1000RR and the like), adventure bikes (R1200GS and the like), cruisers (Harley Davidsons etc), trail bikes, CRF250L etc), retros (Bonnevilles etc), street fighters (a beautiful MV Brutale and others) and even two Monkey Bikes. What an eclectic mix for one club.

It was a great night and the staff were as great as ever.

Next week we will be at the the Edward VII in Guilden Morden

There will be the usual two group rides from Poplars Sainsburys but, with Cider Bob on a biking trip to Switzerland, there won’t be an option for a 19:00 ride.

Before that, this coming Sunday, Frank is running the Bikestop monthly rideout, assisted by other members of the Club. Please join them and promote the Club if you can.

The Meldreth Motorcycle Show is on the evening of Wednesday 19th June. If you are happy to assist with marshalling or other duties, they would be very grateful for our help. Please contact Gordon.


Monday 20th May 2024

After several individual and small group rides over the weekend, this Monday we gathered at the Crown in Stotfold for the Pete Star Memorial Social. For those of you that didn’t know Pete, he was the Club Treasurer for a number of years and was a pivotal member of the  Committee. Apart from finding various innovative ways to make money for the Club and/or charities, he was instrumental in developing the “Social” events we now have a few times each year, where the Club provides free food and drink on a Monday night, encouraging more members and their families to come along. Unfortunately, Pete died in a motorcycle collision while out alone on a Sunday ride. We remember him and his contribution to the Club at the first social each year – having changed it’s name from the imaginatively named “Spring Social” to the “Pete Star Memorial Social”. He is greatly missed.

Although many members go straight to the pub for the Socials, twelve of us met up at Poplars Sainsburys for the group rides, with four others turning up later (hoping for a 19:00 ride but having forgotten they now have to ask in advance rather than assume there will be one). Frank took four on his relaxed ride while Paul took the other eight, with Cider Bob as “TEC”. It was also good to welcome two new members – Jim and Nadia.

The group rides were at the Crown by 20:00 and the “19:00ers” arrived not long after. There were already lots of members at the pub and the good weather meant many were outside in the bear garden. Tickets for two free drinks were handed out at the door by Norbert while Kelvin and Linda were wandering around taking £5 off anyone who wanted raffle tickets. Jackie was also busy, selling more tickets for the £10 BBQ on the 3rd  June – the new card reader came in really handy with the amount of money the three of them were taking!

By 20:30, the selling of raffle tickets was done and the draw began. Lots of people won some really rather nice things.

The food was then served and the queue was looooooooooong but there was plenty for everyone. At this point, we’d like to say a really special thanks to Gary Jones. It was his 70th Birthday so, while he didn’t want to make a big thing of it (not least, because yesterday was about Pete), he did pay for all the food. A top notch thing to do. So if you see Gary in the near future, don’t forget to thank him!

All too soon, the evening came to an end but, fortunately, it was lovely weather to finish off with a nice ride home.

Next Sunday was our visit to the Air Ambulance at North Weald. Unfortunately they have postponed due to local road closures for a bicycle race. A new date is being planned and we will let you know when. Contact Kelvin for details. However, Frank has arranged a ride out to Woburn Sands instead. Contact him on Whatsapp for details.

Next Monday is a Bank Holiday so there is no Club meeting – although there may be some group rides during the day.

The following week is the £10 BBQ at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. Don’t forget, if you want food, you need to buy your ticket IN ADVANCE from Jackie.


Monday 13 th May 2024

With the summer finally upon us, various Club members arranged different rides over the weekend. Frank had a busy weekend with a group ride to Swafham on Saturday and another group ride to Nannas Café and the Great train Robbery Bridge yesterday. While Steve and Carol led a group to Hunstanton for fish and chips on Saturday afternoon. There were a few others about as well.

It was a good turn out for the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys and it was nice to see some returning faces after the “winter layup”. Frank had a group of about seven for his relatively relaxed ride at 18:30 while Paul had another eight or so for his slightly swifter ride, also at 18:30. But, with another six wanting a reasonably well paced ride and a late request by Bev & Jason for a 19:00 ride if they could make the 18:30 ride in time, Cider Bob led a third group at about 18:45.

Frank had a nice ride, arriving at the pub at about 20:10. Cider Bob took his group over to Clavering and then through the picturesque village of Manuden before taking the ever popular B1004 to Ware where the destination was the Rifle Volunteer.

Paul had a forty or so mile ride planned but, between Bragbury End and Knebworth, just past the Crematorium, one of the riders left the road to the nearside, at fairly slow speed, and ended up in the bushes. He spent the night in A&E but hasn’t sustained any “serious” injuries – mostly battered and bruised. We don’t yet have an update on the condition of his Triumph – it will probably need some surgery! By the time the group had finished at the scene, it was relatively late so most went home but Paul and a couple of others did go on to the pub to let everyone know what had happened.

That dampened the mood at the pub slightly which, otherwise, had a really good atmosphere. The staff were really welcoming and there was plenty of chat. The food was delayed for Paul’s group but eventually came out at 20:45. There was loads of it and great quality. Although there were a lot of us there, this pub does seem less popular than others on our Calendar but we don’t know why. The only down side we see is the car park is a little small but there is plenty of road parking. If you’d like to give us your opinion, please do. Contact us in any of the various ways – Whatsapp, text, Facebook, Twitter, email by clicking on this green link or just good old fashioned talking to us.

Treasurer Jackie was there as usual but she now has the swanky new card reader so was able to take money for sandwiches, the upcoming BBQ and membership etc electronically or by the more traditional cash. This is already proving to be very successful indeed.

Apart from the excursion into the ditch, it was a nice night all round.

Some reminders of upcoming events and what we would like from you!! 😊

  1. On Sunday 26th May we are visiting the Air Ambulance at North Weald. We thought this would be over subscribed but we currently only have 12 members signed up. We have another 8 spaces which we’d like to fill so please come along if you can. Contact Kelvin.
  1. On Monday 3rd June we are having a £10 BBQ  at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. To avoid losing money, we need to have lots of members and their family there. Please buy tickets in advance from Jackie (you can pay in cash or electronically) before we end up having to cancel the event.
  1. On Sunday 9th June, we will be leading the Bikestop Monthly ride. We need additional leaders/TECs so please volunteer if you can spare the time. Even if you can just pop along to promote/chat about the Club. Contact Frank.
  1. Sunday 14th July is the George Brown Memorial run which , this year, will be departing from the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley.

Next Monday is the Pete Star Memorial Social at the Crown in Stotfold. As always, there will be food, drink and a raffle.

Monday 29th April 2024

It was a beautiful evening for this week’s group rides from Poplars Sainsburys.

As planned, Paul led a reasonably swift paced ride at 18:30, and he had five riders in tow, while Frank led the 18:30 relaxed ride with two riders. Cider Bob had turned up at 18:30 to lead or TEC (whatever needed doing) only to find a late request for a 19:00 ride. He went for a short blast and was back at Poplars Sainsburys by 18:55 to find two riders waiting. So, there were twelve riders in total, which is less than we’d normally expect at this time of year, although the weekly numbers are building.

The three group rides took various routes, ending at the Bucks Head in Little Wymondley.

There was a good turnout at the pub this week, with about thirty or so members tucked into every nook and cranny around the bar. The staff were friendly and the food was nice – particularly the sandwiches, which were polished off in no time. Thank you to everyone who was restrained first time round to ensure everyone got at least a couple. That said, it took a while for the mountains of chips to be devoured.

The weather stayed nice for the ride home.

Next Monday is a Bank Holiday so there’s no planned meeting but the week after we will be at the Rifle Volunteer in Ware.


Now; an opportunity to visit the Air Ambulance – but places are limited!…
You may recall the success of our Easter Egg auction in aid of the Essex & Herts Air Ambulance. The Committee voted to round up the donation to £500 which will be presented at their base at North Weald on Sunday 26th May 2024.
Our visit to the Visitor’s Centre will last about an hour and a half to two hours with a mix of films, narrative and interactive features and, operations allowing, a look at the Augusta Westland AW169 Air Ambulance.
We will be meeting at Baldock Services at 09:30 for a cuppa (for those that want to/earlier for those that want breakfast) but will be getting on the road at bang on 10:00 for a ride to the North Weald airfield, arriving no later than 11:45.
We will be finished at the Air Ambulance by 14:00. There are no further plans but we can get food somewhere, ride back together or split up – what ever people want to do.

Spaces are limited to 20 so, although it’s a bit harsh, it’s first come first served.
This visit has been arranged by Kelvin so please let him know via Whatsapp if you would like to come along.
If you request and get a place, please commit – do not pull out closer to the date (it would be unfair on others who would like to have gone and on the volunteer staff at the Air Ambulance). If it’s raining on the day and you don’t fancy riding, you can go by car.
Please note, we cannot have any extra people just turn up at the airfield.
Any questions, contact Kelvin on the main Whatsapp group.

Monday 22nd April 2024

It was another very chilly evening this week along with a threat of rain so it was, again, a low turn out for the group rides and only about twenty five or so in total at the pub.

This wouldn’t have been helped by a hair-brained idea by Cider Bob to bring in a new system whereby the ride is declared “wet” in advance, thereby lessening the chance of a leader waiting for no one to turn up. This idea has immediately been binned as the weather is so unpredictable and we don’t want to put people off by suggesting there might possibly be rain, only for it to turn out dry!

So, for the BST rides from now on, we will always plan to have a leader at Poplars Sainsburys for the 18:30 relaxed and 18:30 swift rides, no matter what the weather (within reason).

However, the 19:00 ride isn’t so popular so we are going to use the same approach we used for the GMT rides through the winter – that is if you want a 19:00 ride, you’ll need to tell us by 16:00 on the Monday on the Whatsapp Group. If no one asks for it, we won’t have a leader there. If any one person does, we will arrange a leader.

Any questions about the group rides, just ask Cider Bob, Paul Purple VFR or Frank.

So, in summary:

  • 18:30 Generally led by Paul Purple VFR, this is a well paced ride for the more experienced riders on slightly larger bikes. This group generally gets to the speed limit quite quickly and only slows for bends as much as they need to so they make some good progress. Paul always slows where necessary to keep the group together.
  • 18:30 Frank Cooke is the regular leader of this group, which is for the less experienced and/or learner riders, smaller bikes, cruisers and anyone who simply wants more of a bimble. The pace of this group is very much dictated by the slowest rider on the day.
  • 19:00 for anyone but only if specifically requested on the Whatsapp group. If requested, it will generally be led by either or Cider Bob or Darren Neilson.

Leaders may swap around on occasions.

After a cold ride of about an hour and a quarter for Paul Purple VFR‘s 18:30 group and an hour for Cider Bob’s 19:00 group, the destination was the Hoops in Bassingbourn. Normally the weather is nice enough to sit outside at this pub but this time we crammed ourselves inside, along the length of the bar and into the restaurant. It’s always a popular pub and the staff look after us. The food was as good as ever and there was plenty to go round.

But, with the cold and dark, people weren’t keen to stay late so by 22:00, Cider Bob, Steve and Carol were the last to leave.

Next week we will be at the Bucks Head in Little Wymondley.

Jumping forward to Monday 3rd June, we will be holding a Barbeque at The Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. Tickets are £10 per person (we encourage you to bring partners along, who can also purchase a ticket). Please see Jackie (or any committee member) on a Monday night for your ticket(s). Alternatively you can pay by bank transfer and collect your ticket(s) from Jackie on a Monday night. Bank details are: Stevenage & District Motorcycle Club, Sort Code: 30-98-08, Account Number: 00609148 and please use Reference: your full name and “BBQ”.

Please let Jackie know if you have paid by bank transfer.

Ride outs will take place as usual that night and you are welcome to attend with no barbeque ticket, but there will be no other food provided.

Monday 15th April 2024

The expression “March winds, April Showers” couldn’t have been more accurate this week, although no one told the wind, which had hung around for an extra fifteen days! The showers were about every hour or so and very heavy, with some hail included. This, along with a drop in temperature, put off a lot of riders from joining one of the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys. As a result, no one turned out for Frank’s relaxed ride or Cider Bob’s  19:00 ride. Although Paul Purple VFR had five riders braving the showers for a ride of about an hour to the Angel in Ware.

We ended up with only about sixteen of us at the pub, which is a shame as last time we visited the Angel we only had a low turn out. The Landlord and staff their really look after us so it’s a shame we, as a Club, don’t support it more. It may be the coincidence of weather but, if it’s because you don’t like it as a destination, please let us know.

It was still a nice atmosphere and a nice environment, with lots of sociable chat. It wasn’t long before the food was served and there was plenty to go round – ham sandwiches, various cheese sandwiches, chips and chicken nuggets – gorgeous!

The darkness and weather encouraged riders to leave early and it started getting even quieter by 21:30.

Lets hope the weather is better next week, when our destination will be the Hoops in Bassingbourn.

Before that, on Wednesday your Committee will be having a meeting so if there is anything you want raised, please let one of them know.


Some of the issues discussed and decided upon at the Committee meeting this week include:

  • Jackie has dived into her new role as Treasurer with great enthusiasm. Her accounting “Excel” spreadsheets are something to behold so if you’d like to see a very very very detailed breakdown of the Club’s finances, just ask her.
  • The Club will have a stand at the Baldock Classic vehicle show on 19th May. Click here or talk to Gordon Hallet for details.
  • The funds raised by the Easter Egg auction are being topped up to £500 by the Club for the Air Ambulance. Kelvin is arranging a Sunday ride in May or June to their base for a tour and to hand over the cheque.
  • We are arranging a big BBQ on 3rd June at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. In a poll by those of you on Whatsapp, you said you’d be to happy £10 for a Monday night BBQ so here it is. Put it in your diary. Payment can be any time from now by electronic transfer (let Jackie know) or cash. Hopefully we will have a big turnout.
  • The George Brown Memorial Run on the 14th July will also be at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. Click on this link to find out more but your support would be appreciated. You don’t have to do anything other than come along for a sociable day out on the bikes and, if you pay an entry fee (even if you don’t have a classic or vintage bike) you can get yourself a lovely put lunch at a knock down price.

Monday 8th April 2024

After a lovely weekend where lots of members were out on their bikes, individually or in small groups, this Monday was the first meeting since the clocks went forward for British Summer Time.

Being BST, we reintroduced all our summer group rides:

  • 18:30 – generally led by Paul Purple VFR; this is a well paced ride for the more experienced riders on slightly larger bikes. This group generally gets to the speed limit quite quickly and only slows for bends as much as they need to so they make some good progress. Paul always slows where necessary to keep the group together.
  • 18:30 – Frank Cooke is the regular leader of this group, which is for the less experienced and/or learner riders, smaller bikes, cruisers etc and anyone who simply wants more of a bimble. The pace of this group is very much dictated by the slowest rider on the day.
  • 19:00 well paced ride. Leaders for this one vary but will mostly be Darren Neilson or Cider Bob. Like the 18:30 ride, it’s for the more experienced riders but who can’t get home from work in time for the 18:30 ride. There are normally less people turn up for this one.

Whenever possible, to keep the groups small, we will try to have a spare leader to lead whichever group has the most turn up. Cider Bob tries to make himself available for this one but it could be any leader we can muster on the night.

Back to this week, early forecasts indicated a dry evening but by 17:00, the multi-million pound Met Office computer had changed its mind and forecast rain by 20:00. With most riders thinking they’d be in the pub by then, it was a good turn out – although the computer turned out to be wrong as relatively heavy rain was upon us by 18:45.

Paul Purple VFR had four on his ride, which was about forty miles.

Frank’s bike was just a little unwell this week so Matt Aldous very kindly offered to lead the sedate group. This was quite an offer as his Aprilia Tuono is not the idea bike to be bimbling along on.

Darren managed to get away from work in time to lead the 19:00 ride, which had another four in tow. He would have been at Poplars Sainsburys by 18:30, just to be sociable, but got caught by a road closure in Stevenage so didn’t get there until about 18:50. This was just in time to see Cider Bob riding off home… John was there for the 18:30 swift ride but his KTM had broken down (well, there was some moisture in the air!) so Cider  went off to get his Landy & bike trailer to take him home. Unfortunately, John subsequently thought the AA would help him out in a reasonable time scale so cancelled Cider. The AA eventually got him the 8 miles home at just before midnight!

All the group rides got a little moist but it didn’t put anyone off and they all got to the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley well in advance of the gorgeous sausage, mash and gravy coming out. Everyone who was eating paid their £2, which covered the costs for this week, and there was plenty to go round – even though some still insist on piling their plates a little too much as they rush to be at the start of the queue.

The Plume of Feathers is a lovely pub and very popular with the members. No one counted but there were probably over thirty of us there and it was a great atmosphere.

Unfortunately, the rain continued for the rest of the evening so all the riders got wet going home and the pub was all but cleared by 22:00.

This coming Saturday is a motorcycle “season opener” event at Bedford Fire Station.

Next Monday we will be at the Angel in Ware. Meet us there or come along for one of the group ride from Sainsburys.

Monday 25th March 2024

Although it was another fine day and mild evening, no-one messaged on the Whatsapp group to ask for a group ride so riders turned up by themselves rather than in one pack. But, while next week is a Bank Holiday, the following week we will have reverted to “BST” so we will be running 18:30 and 19:00 rides every week without the need to ask.

It was our Easter Egg auction at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock this week, where all funds raised will be donated to the Herts Air Ambulance. The turn out was quite good, with probably about thirty or so members, but it wasn’t as packed as we would like to have seen it for this very worthwhile charity event. None-the-less, a huge number of eggs were donated and those that were there dug deep into their pockets, with one egg going for an astonished £41. It was a really good atmosphere and a good evening with £379 raised for the Air Ambulance. A very big thank you to all that organised, attended, donated and bid.

Dinitsa had sorted the food out for us, and there was absolutely mountains of it. There are one or two members who seem to treat the Monday night nibbles as their evening meal – so this is the pub  to come to! There were several platters of sandwiches, roast potatoes, chickens nuggets, Yorkshire puddings, and loads loads more. We don’t think there is another pub on the calendar that gives better value for your £2. A big thank you to all the staff at the Hen & Chickens who always look after us really well.

It was a very successful night all round.

Next week is Easter Weekend so there’s no meeting arranged for Monday night. But if you fancy a ride with some mates, just put something on the Whatsapp group and others will probably be up for a ride.

The week after, on the 8th April, we will be at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. As we’ve mentioned, the summer group rides from Poplars Sainsburys will be on again so there will be no need to let us know you want to ride – just turn up at Sainsburys.

We will run the following:

  • 18:30 well paced ride for the more experienced riders on slightly larger bikes. This group generally gets to the speed limit quite quickly and only slows for bends as much as they need to so they make some good progress.
  • 18:30 relaxed ride for the less experienced and/or learner riders, smaller bikes, cruisers and anyone who simply wants more of a bimble. The pace of this group is very much dictated by the slowest rider on the day.
  • 19:00 well paced ride. Like the 18:30 ride, it’s for the more experienced riders but who can’t get home from work in time for the 18:30 ride. There are normally less people turn up for this one.

We try to keep the group numbers down to about eight so if there are more, we will aim to put on an additional group.

All the group rides are led by volunteer riders who do it for everyone’s benefit. Please follow the Club’s “Group Riding Guidelines” when riding in one of our groups. If you have any questions or concerns, just ask the group leader.

We have four regular group leaders – Cider Bob, Paul Purple VFR, Frank Cooke and Darren Neilson, with a couple of others who do it when they can – but we are always looking for more so if you fancy giving it a go, please let us know. If you aren’t confident in trying it, Cider Bob can give you some hints and tips and even take you out for a ride if it would help – just give him a yell.

Monday 18th March 2024

Although the weather was lovely for a ride again this week, yet again there were no takers for a group ride, although four motorcyclists made their own way to the pub while about twenty five others turned up in cars or Shanks’s pony.

We were at the Cock in Baldock where both bars were heaving with members and there was a great atmosphere.

At about 20:30 the food came out and what a load of food it was – loads of tasty mixed sandwiches and lots of chips. Easily enough for everyone but not enough for seconds all round.

At the end of the night, the weather was still lovely so it was ideal for the riders’ journey home.

Next week is the Easter Egg Auction. Have a look at this great poster, created by Linda, for details:

The following week is a bank holiday so there’ll be no evening meet (don’t let that stop you arranging a day run on our Whatsapp Rideouts group) but, the clocks will have gone forward by then so the week after that (Mon 8 th April) will see the reintroduction of weekly group rides whether anyone requests them or not. We will revert to have a swift ride and a relaxed ride, both starting at 18:30 from Poplars Sainsburys, and we will be running a 19:00 ride for the people who finish work a bit later. So get your biking gear ready, uncover your bikes and come and join us.

As an aside, our new Committee members have given us their “bio’s so have a look at the Committee page to find out a bit about them.

Monday 11th March 2024

With poorer weather this week, the idea of a group ride wasn’t well received so Cider Bob and Frank, who were the only two on bikes, went on their own rides to the pub.

However, lots of members went straight to the Plume Of Feathers in Ickleford where we were met by friendly bar staff and a nice atmosphere.

There was lots of chit chat about all sorts of things and, in no time, the nibbles were served. Nibbles doesn’t really describe the large amount of food the staff served up – loads of sandwiches and mountains of chips. Thank you to everyone who was restrained the first time round but there was plenty for seconds so don’t forget to go back once everyone has had the chance to get some. This week, some had thirds, one had fourths and there was still some left over!

All too soon it was time to leave and the members started thinning out. It stayed dry so the ride home was nice.

Next week we are at the Cock in Baldock.

On Monday 25th March we will be having our Easter Egg auction which, this year, will be back at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. All money taken this year will be being donated to the Herts & Essex Air Ambulance so please donate eggs if you can and/or come along and buy lots and lots.

Monday 4th March 2024

Yesterday the Club ran the Bikestop “first Sunday of the month” monthly ride of 2024. With Cider Bob doing most of the organising, the group of eighteen riders was split with Kelvin leading a “swifter” group and Frank leading a more “sedate” group. Matt volunteered to TEC Kelvin’s group while Cider TEC’d Frank’s group. After Cider gave the briefing, Kelvin set off on a loop to taking in the B656 Codicote road from Hitchin, the B1000 to Hertford and then back via Walkern.

Even though Cider briefing included making sure each rider kept a safe distance from the bike in front, there was an incident where a one week old Ducati Multistrada was ridden into the back of a Ducati Monster, punting it into the verge. Fortunately there was no damage – just aches, pains and embarrassment resulting. Perhaps the Ducati riders just wanted to get together?

Frank’s group went the other way, over to Barton Le Clay and looping back round via Pirton, Letchworth and Great Wymondley. Thir ride went without incident, other than someone dropping their bike as they reversed away from Bikestop – that gully catches a lot of riders!!

On Monday night, there wasn’t any demand for a group ride in the chilly and wet March evening this week so everyone made their own way to the pub, with only one on a motorcycle.

Our destination was the Stag in Stotfold. Although this is usually a reasonably popular pub, we only had about twenty or so members turn up this week. The weather wasn’t bad so it’s hard to understand what makes people come out on a Monday night. So, while we lost a little on the food, there was a huge amount with plenty for everyone to visit the table at least twice (some, more!).

It was as sociable as always and a nice atmosphere, helped by lovely bar staff. But, all too soon, 21:30 came along and people started leaving, with only the usual few left by 22:30.

Next week we will be at the the Plume Of Feathers in Ickleford. As a Club, we think this pub has everything we need (good car park, nice atmosphere, good food etc) but the numbers that come along vary tremendously. It is a nice pub so please come along if you can.

On Monday 25th March we will be having our Easter Egg auction which, this year, will be back at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. All money taken this year will be being donated to the Herts & Essex Air Ambulance so please donate eggs if you can and/or come along and buy lots and lots.

Monday 26th February 2024

This week was another well attended evening with about thirty members congregating at the Crown in Stotfold.

It’s always a popular venue and the food is always great – both lovely and huge amounts of it. This week was no different, with a great spread and plenty for seconds and thirds, including the fabled Gala pie!

Only two met up for the group ride, which was led once again by Paul Purple VFR.

Other than it being a very sociable evening, there isn’t much else to blog about.

But, your Committee is meeting this Wednesday so if you have anything you want brought up, just let any of them know. We will update the blog with an addendum later in the week, after the meeting.

Next week we will be back in Stotfold but this time at the Stag.



This week saw the first meeting of the new 2024/2025 Committee. It was a productive meeting with lots of things chatted about.

After Mick read the minutes of the last meeting, our new Treasurer, Jackie Armstrong gave her report. It’s clear she is well on top of it already and produced an extensively detailed breakdown of the Club’s finances, already brought into the 21st century with an impressive computer spread sheet.

Obviously there were other usual matters, such as which pubs we will be at over the next few months, but also lots of talk about events and activities we are looking into. These include an extra BBQ, some rides to BSB, a visit to the Air Ambulance and a ride to the Triumph factory to name but a few. Keep an eye on this website page, our Whatsapp groups, our Facebook page and our Twitter page.

Monday 19th February 2024

It was the Club’s 2024 AGM this week, at the Cromwell Hotel in Stevenage.

There wasn’t a group ride, although several members turned up on their motorcycles.

It was reasonably well attended with almost forty coming along although, while numbers have been lower in the past, there have been more for the past couple of years.

In addition to the Cromwell providing tea and coffee as part of the extortionate amount they charge for the room hire, biscuits were generously donated by Gary once again. As well as Gary’s top notch biscuits, Cider Bob topped up the pile with some Tesco’s blue stripey rubbish!

Thank you to all those of you who did come along – it is a boost to the Committee to see a decent amount of engagement from the members.

It’s not surprising people who like to ride motorcycles aren’t particularly interested in coming along to a meeting where there is just lots of talk about what we’ve done and are going to do rather than any riding. Although there was lots of talk about group rides – apart from the Monday evening rides, hopefully we will be planning more weekend and bank holiday rides this year as well.

The meeting started with the minutes of last year, followed by the Chairman’s report. The Chairman has also been fulfilling the role of Treasurer since the last AGM, as there were no other volunteers, so he also gave the Treasurer’s report.

There was a bit of “business” discussed, which, amongst other things, included a vote to increase the annual membership for the first time in over 30 years, from £5 to £10. However, a “Partners” membership was introduced for the join cost of £15. While many may see this as unnecessary, it provides sufficient annual funds for the Club’s website and basic running costs without the need for any fund raising. We hope it will also encourage partners to come along aned enjoy the Club.

In no time it was on to election of the Committee. The Chairman, Tony Brown and Secretary, Mick Taylor, are in post for another year but, this year, unlike last year, we did have a volunteered to take on the role of Treasurer – Jackie Armstrong very kindly put herself forward. There was initially some discussion as to whether the Chairman should perform the role for another two years as it is usually a post for three years. However, several members believed it should be a separate role whenever possible and the Chairman  was essentially a “caretaker” so it was put to a vote and Jackie was subsequently elected as our new Treasurer. A very warm welcome to the Committee Jackie. Treasurer is a challenging role but we are very grateful indeed that she has put herself forward. Thank you.

The other members of the Committee were then voted for. This also caused a little bit of a stir as there were more volunteers than places on the Committee but the previous Committee was reinstated before the new volunteers could be voted on.  But after some further discussion, it was decided that the Club could benefit from extra Committee members with fresh ideas so Neil Bray proposed the rules be changed to allow up to six to be on the Committee along with the three Officers. This was seconded and a vote of the members present confirmed the rule change. This will be updated in the Club rules after the next Committee meeting, which is on Wednesday 28th February. So, your new Committee is made up of:

Chairman      Tony Brown (Norbert)

Secretary      Mick Taylor

Treasurer       Jackie Armstrong

Others:           Carol Hutchins

      Cider Bob

      Dave Chapman

      Kelvin Armstrong

      Linda Smith

      Pete Blackburn

The Committee page of the website will be updated once we have all the new “bios”.

In a flash, the AGM was over. Some left immediately but others stayed for a while to be sociable.

Next week we are at the Crown in Stotfold.

Monday 12th February 2024

Once again this week, and very unusually for February, the weather was lovely for our Monday night group ride, although only “sandwich monitor” Martin Paterson was in the “pack” led by Cider Bob. It was about an hour long ride through Stevenage, diverting around a diesel spill, to Titmore Green and on to Hitchin. Then over to Pirton and Gravenhurst before taking the A507 to the Hen & Chickens in Baldock.

It was another well attended night with about twenty five to thirty members crowded in the otherwise almost empty bar.

As is usually the case, there were lots of little groups of chat going on with one or two mingling between them.

Denitza, the bar staff, put on another excellent spread, with lots of sandwiches, roasties, sausages, yorkies and more… really lovely and plenty to go round for seconds.

Next week is the AGM at the Cromwell Hotel in Stevenage.

The following is a repeat from last week’s blog (sorry) but just in case anyone missed it…

As well as free teas/coffees (and possibly even some free biscuits), it’s an ideal opportunity to get just a little bit more involved – voting on important issues and choosing your coming year’s Committee (although the Chairman and Secretary  are not up for election).

As well as the Committee members, the post of Treasurer is still vacant, currently being “caretaken” by the Chairman, Tony Brown. However, if you’d like to give it a go, just get someone to propose and second you on the night and, as long as you are suitable (ie. Honest, reliable, turn up regularly etc) and, if necessary, get voted in, the job is yours for the duration of the tenure.

Please do come along to the AGM if you can.

Monday 5th February 2024

The weather was lovely again this week for our Monday night group ride to the pub. Four of us met up at Poplars Sainsburys for the ride which was kindly led by Paul Purple VFR. The route took us down to Hertford, over to Welwyn and then up to Hitchin, finishing at the Bucks Head in Little Wymondley. It was a very enjoyable ride, lasting about an hour.

It’s the first time we’ve been to this pub for some time but there were twenty five or so members at there so the atmosphere was great. The staff pub on loads of tasty sandwiches, and chips, with plenty to go round.

It’s a nice pub but, as always at this time of year, by about 21:30, members started to bimble home with everyone cleared out by 22:30.

Next week we are at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock but the following week is the AGM, at the Cromwell Hotel in Stevenage. As well as free teas/coffees (and possibly even some free biscuits), it’s an ideal opportunity to get just a little bit more involved – voting on important issues and choosing your coming year’s Committee (although the Chairman and Secretary are not up for election). As well as the Committee members, the post of Treasurer is still vacant, currently being “caretaken” by the Chairman, Tony Brown. However, if you’d like to give it a go, just get someone to propose and second you on the night and, as long as you are suitable (and, if necessary, voted in), the job is yours for the duration of the tenure.

Please do come along to the AGM if you can.

Monday 29th January 2024

Paul Purple VFR led Dave Fishe and Jason Holmes (welcome back to Jason after a few years away from our weekly rides) on the group ride from Poplars Sainsburys with a route lasting about fifty minutes and ending at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. A few other riders who couldn’t get to the group ride in time had gone straight to the pub.

Yet again, it was a great turn out for this popular addition to the Calendar who opened up just for us. As has been the case each time we’ve visited, the staff were lovely, the atmosphere was great and the food they put on was gorgeous, and huge – a very very large tray of pasta along with a very very large tray of Chilli. With it’s location being so close to Stevenage, a good size tarmac car park and this sort of evening, it’s easy to see why the Members are so keen to keep coming back.

Next week we will be back at Little Wymondley but this time at the Bucks Head.

Monday 22nd January 2024

Storm Isha struck last night but had died out by Monday evening so the temperature was mild, the roads were dry and, apart from a little breeze, the conditions were almost as good as night riding gets. With such good weather for January, Sandwich Monitor (just in case anyone doesn’t realise, this title is a bit of a joke) Martin Patterson said he’d like to come along for a group ride so Cider Bob joined him at Poplars Sainsburys to lead the ride. It was just the two of them, although Paul Purple VFR had been available if necessary (as it was, he got a lift to the pub so could enjoy a beer).

The group ride was about 80 minutes and ended at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock, where the only other bike was Frank’s ZXR.

But even though most people still didn’t fancy a January ride, there were, none-the-less, loads of members in the pub.

In the unlikely event anyone reading this isn’t a Club member, although it’s predominantly a motorcycle Club, it’s also a very sociable social Club. Some members come for the ride, some for the chat, some for the sandwiches, some possibly to get away from their partners (!?) and all sorts of other reasons. So if you ever find yourself at a lose end on a Monday night, just have a look at the Calendar to see where we are meeting and come along.

The staff are the Hen & Chickens are great. Tally, the Landlady always greets us with a smile and makes sure we are well catered for – not just on Club nights but also for our Committee meetings. While bar staff, Denitza, has her own special way of making us feel welcome – particularly if you ask for tea! They always put on loads a great food for us, with plenty to go round so everyone should have had as much as they wanted.

Once again, it was a lovely evening but members started to clear out from about 21:30 and by 22:30, it was only the Chairman and Secretary left.

Next week we will be the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. This has proven to be a very popular addition to the Calendar; it’s close to Stevenage, it’s got a good car park, it’s a decent size with a nice atmosphere, the staff are friendly and the food is absolutely delicious (and there’s always loads of it). They are normally closed on a Monday night but open up especially to let us in so, as we’ve asked before, please come along to help make it worth their while, if you can.

Monday 15th January 2024

The second meeting of the year was another well attended night.

Again, no brave souls wanted to join Cider Bob for his sub-zero ride to the Cock in Baldock but, none-the-less, lots of members turned up for another very sociable evening, including one other on his bike.

The pub staff were as welcoming as ever and the food they produced was gorgeous – loads of gorgeous sandwiches, including bacon and chicken tikka (not together!), garlic bread and really nice chips. There was plenty to go round because everyone was sensible with the amount they took and it was about enough although we suspect a couple of members would have been even happier with an extra couple of bites!

With turnouts like this, we are pleased to say the sandwiches will be continuing for the foreseeable future.

Your Committee will be meeting up this coming Wednesday for the last meeting of this tenure. Amongst other things, the agenda will include a decision on whether the Dinner Dance will go ahead this year. So if you fancy coming along, please let us know by then so we can make a more informed decision. And, as always, you are welcome to raise any issues you think relevant for discussion with any of the Committee.

Whilst on the subject of the Committee, the 2024 AGM will be on Monday 19th February at the Cromwell Hotel in Stevenage. The two main Committee positions, Chairman and Secretary, are not up for renewal but the Treasurer post is still vacant, having been filled by the Chairman since Pete’s death. So, if you’d like to be Treasurer, please get your name proposed and seconded on the night. Likewise, the five Committee members will be up for renewal. If, in the unlikely event, more than five are proposed, it will go to a vote by everyone in attendance. We strongly encourage everyone to come along to the AGM – it’s your Club  and it’s important you have your say and see how it’s being run on your behalf.

Next week we will be at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. If you’d like a group ride, just post on the Whatsapp group on Monday afternoon.

Finally, for those of you (if any) who like to read this weekly drivel we write, the blog is now accessible through the website rather than just via direct link. You can find it by dropping down the menu under “Weekly Blog”.



The Committee were a little dejected for their meeting this week as, after 59 annual Dinner Dances in the Club’s  63 year history, we felt we had no option but to cancel the event.

While we have moved forward in some of the activities we arrange, we have also tried to keep some of the older traditions. But it is apparent times have moved on to the extent that the Dinner Dance style of event is simply not popular enough with members anymore.

So with only 47 tickets sold, of which only 15 were members, it is with regret that we have reluctantly drawn time on this more formal evening.

If you have already bought your tickets, please contact Mick or Norbert for your refund.

With a subdued mood, there was surprisingly little other business…

  • It has been decided trophies will be presented at the AGM so please do come along to the Cromwell Hotel on the 19th February if you can. Perhaps we can entice you with a free cup of tea or coffee?
  • We obviously discussed finances, of which the Dinner Dance will generate a loss due to the deposit that had to be paid last year.
  • There was the usual update of the Calendar and some talk of other events once the weather improves, but that will mostly be a job for the new Committee after the AGM.

If you’d like more details on anything that was discussed, please contact Mick who has the full minutes.

Monday 8th January 2024

It was a great start to the new year for the Club with a great turnout at the Crown in Stotfold.

With good numbers still attending through the winter so far, we have kept the food going for the time being and there was, as always at the Crown, loads for everyone. Some went up for seconds and thirds!

The bar staff were as friendly and helpful as always and, with so many Club members filling out the pub, It was really sociable. It was also good to see some members we haven’t seen for a couple of months and two new members – brothers Neil and Nigel.

Next week we’ll be back at the Cock in Baldock. There will be food so make sure you have your £2 if you want to partake.

Although a couple of riders turned up on their motorcycles, no one asked for a group ride so they made their own way to the pub. Just in case you don’t know, we have introduced a new approach for the group rides through the winter months. So Paul Purple VFR and/or Cider Bob, our two intrepid all year round leaders, aren’t left hanging around at Poplars Sainsburys, waiting for no one to turn up, we now request you let us know you want to ride in a group in advance. All you have to do is let us know on the on the Club’s main Whatsapp group on the Monday afternoon, before 17:00, and a leader will be there.

Don’t forget, you can still get your tickets for the Dinner Dance, which is on 17th February 2024. Available for you, your friends and family, from Mick Taylor. We are trying just a couple of changes this year so please come along and support this event – it’s our biggest of the year!

2024 Weekly Blog

Older Blogs

The website platform is a bit rubbish and slows up horrendously once there is a lot of content (particularly with hyperlinks) on any one page… so we’ve had to create archive pages for the Blogs. It’s a shame because it’s nicer if its all in one place, and it will upset any shortcut on other websites or members computers, but unfortunately it can’t be helped (unless we spend a lot of money on a better platform!

Click here to be taken to the previous years’ blogs.