2023 Archive Blog
Monday 18th November 2023
What an excellent last meeting of the year for the Club. Our two regular winter leaders were unavailable to lead this week but it didn’t stop a couple of riders making their own way to the Hen & Chickens in Baldock, including “Sandwich Monitor” Martin.
Many members brought along soft toys (too many to carry on bikes – hence the lack of leaders) for Lynda’s Air Ambulance collection. She estimates she has collected over a hundred for this great charity and thanks everyone for their contributions.
Unusually for the last meeting of the year, we arranged food with Tally at the pub. She did a great spread including lots of hot treats that could have come straight from a hot roast dinner (Yorkshire puddings, stuffing, sausages, roast potatoes etc) as well as loads of lovely sandwiches.
It was all very popular but fortunately, Martin, the sandwich monitor was on hand to make sure everyone was restrained for their first visit to the table. This meant there was plenty to go round and also plenty for seconds for everyone who wanted it. Thanks Martin.
With between about twenty & thirty people turning each week in December and lots of positivity towards the food, the Committee have had a rethink about stopping the food in January and February and will now be arranging food for each week, at least through January.
We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we hope to see you at the Crown in Stotfold on the 8th January 2024.
In the mean time, you can still get your Dinner Dance (17 February 2024) tickets, for you and your friends and family, from Mick Taylor
Monday 11th December 2023
The Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley very kindly opened their doors especially for us this week. Thank you to all of you who came along for what was a really sociable night and made it worth their while opening.
About thirty or so members wandered along although no-one showed an interest in a group ride so Cider Bob, on his CRF went for a ride by himself while at the pub, only one other bike sat proudly in the car park.
On a dank night, the pub was warm and bright. By 08:45, the wonderful Landlady brought out two tubs of hot food – a tray of deep fried potatoey things and a huge tray of absolutely delicious pasta bake, which was devoured in no time.
This pub is clearly very popular with the members and it was a great evening.
Next week is our final night before Christmas, which will be at the Hen & Chickens. Even though many members will be at other Christmas parties (work dos etc), there will be food at our “Noggin & Natter” this year, at the usual ridiculously cheap price of £2.
Lynda will be there so if you have any soft toys for her Air Ambulance collection, please bring them along.
Monday 4th November 2023
No-one was up for a group ride this week, not only because of the poor weather but also because it was the Christmas Social. But one turned up on their bike none-the-less!
It was a well attended do with loads of lovely food for everyone and a really sociable atmosphere.
The raffle had loads of great prizes and made a little profit for the Club (wiped out by the free drinks and food!), although there was an unfounded hint of suspicion as the Chairman won a prize!
Next week is a change to the Calendar. We will now be at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. This is a great pub and the staff are superb. In fact, they are normally closed on a Monday but will be opening especially for us and will be putting on some perfect winter food so please show your appreciation for their support by braving the weather (car or bike) and coming along if you can.
As always, unless it’s snowing, we will put on a group ride if anyone lets us know they are coming by 17:00 on Monday.
As an aside, Linda Smith is collecting Cuddly Toys for the Air Ambulance. If you can spare any (new or old) please bring them along on any Monday night (except this coming week) before the end of January. Thank you.
Monday 27th November 2023
With the winter finally arriving and temperature hovering just above zero, the usual decline in numbers was obvious this week, with only about twenty members turning up at the pub and no-one interested in the group ride so even Paul Purple VFR went by car.
So it was a relatively quiet but still very sociable evening at the Stag in Stotfold.
Please don’t forget, this is a social club as well as a motorcycle club so even if you are a big jessie and don’t fancy riding because it’s a bit cold or wet, you can still come along in the car (like almost everyone else).
Talking of social, it’s December next week and our Christmas Social at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. So come along with your family for some Christmas cheer.
Monday 20th November 2023
Once again, Paul Purple VFR kindly led the group ride which, this week, consisted of six, including Cider Bob at the back as TEC. The roads were damp but it stayed dry until about half way round, when it started to rain lightly. Other than that, it was a nice ride.
At the Hen & Chickens, photos for the photographic competition were already laid out and the winner was voted for by members at the pub.
This year, the winner was Chris Sawyer with a photo of a Cotton:
Next week we are at the Stag in Stotfold.
Don’t forget to let us know if you are coming on the group ride by 17:00 on Monday
Tickets for our 2024 Dinner Dance on 17th February 2024 are now available from Mick Taylor the Club Secretary. It’s an event for you, your family and friends. For more information, click here.
Monday 13th November 2023
Paul Purple VFR led just one rider on this week’s group ride. The weather prediction wasn’t ideal but it actually stayed dry for the ride to the Cock in Baldock. Cider Bob was working late so set out on his own ride but, by pure coincidence, came across Paul’s ride on the A6 so joined them for the remainder of the ride to the pub.
Lots of other members were already at the pub, having a good chin wag and it wasn’t long before some lovely sandwiches and chips were brought out, along with some gravy boats of curry sauce – gorgeous.
Next week is our photographic competition, which is at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. Please bring along any (well, within reason!!) photos you’ve taken this year. Marks are given for quality and artiness but, obviously, photos with motorcycles in them are often favoured by the judges. The prize for the winning entry is the rather impressive Dave Wiley Photographic Trophy (well, the winner gets to be guardian for a year!).
On Wednesday your Committee will be meeting up. If you have anything you want discussed please mention it to any of them or email us here
Monday 6th November 2023
Unusually, Cider Bob couldn’t make it for the second week in a row but, fortunately, one of our other regular leaders, Paul Purple VFR, was on hand to lead four riders on the group ride in surprisingly good weather for November.
This week’s destination was the Bucks Head in Little Wymondley. We haven’t been there since about this time last year but we were welcomed by the friendly staff, who produced top notch sandwiches and mountains of chips.
It was a good night, which is always helped by everyone going home with full tummies.
Next week we are at the Cock in Baldock.
As always, you can meet us there or join the group ride at 19:00 from Poplars Sainsburys.
But please remember, we are trialling a new approach – we will only provide a group ride leader if at least one member lets us know they are coming, on each Monday afternoon, via the main Club Whatsapp group.
Don’t forget, tickets for our 2024 Dinner Dance are now on sale, available from Mick Taylor the Club Secretary. It’s an event for you, your family and friends, so please invite them along. Save the date now – 17th February 2024. For more information, click here.
Monday 30th October 2023
Stalwart Paul Purple VFR braved the weather to lead the group ride but no-one turned up so he went home and went to the Club Quiz Night in his Car!
Although no-one went on their bikes, we regularly remind everyone that this is a social club as well as a motorcycle club and this was reflected by the excellent turn out for the Chairman’s quiz.
With over thirty members huddled in small groups, it was a great night at the Crown in Stotfold. The quiz results were:
- 1st The Waders 81
- 2nd Steve Whyte Winners 78
- 3rd Steve Chris and Jan 77
- 4th Hoof Hearted 76
- 5th First up at the Buffet 75
- 6th The Triumph boys 70
- 7th Just the two of us 65
- 8th Team Chellew 61
- 9th Codgers Corner 59
- Equal 10th Sons of Arthritis & Dids 54.
Thanks to all who came along and thanks to Norbert for being quiz master.
Now the winter is with us, we are trying something new for the group rides. In previous years, we have always (except in snow) had a group leader at Sainsburys ready to lead. But sometimes no-one turned up to be led. So, this winter, we will only provide a group leader if at least one member says they are coming along to ride. So, if you are riding, please let us know on the main Whatsapp group during the day each Monday and we will be there.
Next Monday we return to Little Wymondley but this time to the Bucks Head.
Monday 23rd October 2023
The group ride set off in the dark at 18:30 this week but, with the change to GMT this coming weekend, as of next week we will be reverting to our winter start time of 07:00.
When we say the “group” ride, rain was threatened along with the dark so only four turned up at Poplars Sainsburys.
The Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley is under new management so we thought we’d give it a go. Cider Bob led the group on a thirty or so mile ride to the Pub which is, in fact, only about three miles from the Poplars Sainsburys start point!
The weather was actually really nice so the riders arrived dry and joined the other thirty or so members at the Pub.
The staff were very welcoming and they put on loads of food – not only was there sausages, chips and bread rolls but there was an enormous tray of absolutely gorgeous pasta bake. They really did look after us extremely well and, judging by all the positive feedback, it was a really popular destination.
Everyone had a thoroughly good evening.
Next week, the group rides will be setting off at 19:00 and our destination will be the Crown in Stotfold for the Quiz night so come along with your thinking heads!
Monday 16th October 2023
It was dusk by 18:30 this week and riding in the dark puts a lot of riders off. So only five of us met up at Poplars Sainsburys for a ride in rather nice conditions. Frank had to leave early but Paul Purple VFR led with Cider Bob at the back. It was a great ride which arrived at the pub at about 19:45.
There were eleven bikes in total and more came along in cars so the pub was quite full with members.
The staff at the Plume Of Feathers in Ickleford looked after us as always and there was plenty of food for everyone.
It was a great night all round.
Even though we are a motorcycle club, we are also a social club so just because you might not want to ride through the winter, don’t let it stop you coming out to join us for the social side.
Next week we will be at the Plume of Feathers in Little Wymondley. It will now be dark at 18:30 so next week, being the last Monday before the clocks go back, will be the last the group ride meet at 18:30 this year. From Monday 30th October, we will revert to our winter star time of 19:00.
Monday 9th October 2023
Global warning kicked in to the benefit of our evening ride this week, with October temperatures during the day of around 22°C, not dropping much as twelve of us gathered at Poplars Sainsburys. Paul Purple VFR was back this week and had a route planned so he took one group with Cider as ‘TEC’ while Darren, who has really taken to leading, led the not so swift group with Frank as ‘TEC’.
Both groups arrived at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock by 20:00, in time for the start of the 2023 Auction. This is an entertaining evening where members bring along some old tat (we can’t believe what some people donate!!), some reasonably useful stuff and even some really quite high quality kit and the Chairman, Norbert, auctions it all off. Some is so bad, it doesn’t sell, most goes for a £1 or two and some goes for £10 or more. This year it included some old tools and some old magazines at the lower end while Caylan picked up an excellent Knox armoured under jacket for £10 and someone, who had the bargain of the night, picked up a pair of brand new Dainese gortex boots for £5. Overall, the auction made about £100. Some of it will go to charity and some will go to the Club coffers – the details will be decided at the next committee meeting butif you have a favourite charity please let us know.
Thank you to everyone who donated and to all who bid.
Next week we are at the 16th Plume Of Feathers in Ickleford.
Monday 3rd October 2024
On Sunday this week, the Club helped out Bikestop with their “first Sunday of the month” October rideout. It’s a great way to promote the Club and also gives the opportunity to meet other bikers. Although we say “the Club” once again it fell to only a couple of the usual ride leaders. Caylan came along with his newly acquired full motorcycle licence and helped by taking up position mid pack. It would have been nice to have other members come along, even if not riding, to talk about the Club and encourage new membership. Everyone seemed to enjoy the ride, which took about an hour from Bikestop, through Gravelly, Willian, Hitchin and Ickleford, up the A600 to the A507, then the Gravenhurst road to Barton Le Clay before returning to Stevenage via the B655. Big thanks to Club members who came along.
Rain returned on Monday afternoon, for the first time in a while so, predictably, the evening group rides weren’t well attended. In fact only Frank and Cider turned up. Frank wasn’t so keen so got on his way at 18:15, heading straight to the pub, while Cider waited until the allotted 18:30 and then went for a 40 mile ride in the rain.
The Stag at Stotfold was our meeting location where there was a relatively low (but predictably poor due to the weather) turnout of about twenty members, including Caylan, who also came on his bike. So, on a miserable night, a turnout of three riders wasn’t too bad.
As always, the staff at the Stag did great food and everyone got plenty. It’s a nice pub with a friendly atmosphere and it was a very nice night all round (apart from the weather!).
Next week is our Club Auction, at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock. Please bring along anything you think may sell; particularly, but not limited to, motorcycle gear. And also please bring some cash to buy lots – you might pick up a bargain (although some old tat from last year’s auction is more likely! 🙂 ).
There will be the usual group rides from Poplars Sainsburys at 18:30 but they will be at the pub by 20:00 for the start of the auction.
Monday 25th September 2023
Yet another lovely evening for a ride. As a result, there were eighteen of us who met up at Poplars Sainsburys for the group rides. Unfortunately, with Paul Purple VFR still away, we were a bit short of volunteer ride leaders so while Cider Bob led the relaxed group this week, just to give everyone a change, Frank kindly volunteered to lead the slightly faster group. The split was far from even – with two learners and a relatively new rider joining Cider, Frank had to try to keep a group of fourteen together (no easy task in the dark, even when it’s down to each rider to slow at junctions to make sure the one behind sees which way to go). But Frank did a good job and both groups arrived at the pub with the same number they left Sainsburys (except for Chris on his S1000RR, who got a puncture).
As the groups arrived at the Edwards V11 at Guilden Morden, there were already loads of bikes there so there were probably about forty of us in total. Fortunately, the pub put on a huge amount of food which meant everyone got the chance to have at least one plate full. And for those who like sausage rolls (with Coleman’s mustard), like Cider, there was enough for seconds and thirds!!
Once again, it was a really sociable atmosphere but, as usual, once the food had been devoured, many started to leave, although there were still several of us still there at 22:00.
Next week, we will be at the Stag in Stotfold.
The ride leaders aren’t sorted yet but we will ask Frank to revert to leading the more sedate ride and either Cider Bob or Paul Purple VFR (if he’s back) or both will lead the faster group(s).
But before then, this coming Sunday the Club are leading the Bikestop monthly ride. If you can, please come along and assist. It’s a good opportunity to advertise the club and meet other bikers.
Monday 18th September 2023
Autumn started to show itself this week as the temperature dropped just a little but the rain came, on and off, with a vengeance. Fortunately it stayed dry for the Monday evening rides and fourteen riders joined Frank for the relaxed ride and Norbert for the slightly more pacey ride.
The destination was the Angel in Ware where there were about thirty of us in total. As always, the staff looked after us and there was plenty of food so it was a nice night all round. Unfortunately, with darkness closing in and the food coming out early, many started to leave by about 21:00.
Next week we are at the Edward VII at Guilden Morden. Unfortunately, it will be starting to get dark not long after we leave Sainsburys but, as long as riders keep coming along through the darker months, we will continue leading Monday night group rides.
Your Committee met up again this week. A number of issues were discussed but the majority were not really interesting enough to write about in this blog – although we are happy to give more info to anyone who wants it. Some issues of note were:
- Declining numbers at the Summer Social (resulting in more of a loss, as the raffle didn’t do well)
- Declining numbers at the George Brown Memorial Run. This event isn’t supported much by the general membership so also lost money
- Declining numbers at the Dinner Dance. It was decided there will be much more advertising but we will also stress much more that it’s an event for your friends and family as well, so please invite them along. Save the date now – 17th February 2024. For more information, click here
- With more and more pubs closing or changing approach, we are looking for additional pubs to visit on Monday nights. If you have any ideas of pubs that will welcome us but also do the sort of food we want, at the price we want, please let us have your suggestions.
Monday 11th September 2023
With the September heat wave still in full swing, it was another great turnout this week, with twenty nine bikes at Poplars Sainsburys for the group rides and over forty in total at the pub by the end of the night.
Cider Bob and Frank were joined by Dave Chapman this week as ride leaders and although they all went their separate ways, ended up in one long line until Walkern, where they split up. Ian Harris led a fourth group but it was a one off special for “big V twin”… “and Bill”. Ian had invited a few of his Harley Davidson riding mates over from the Harley Owners Group (HOG), who were openly welcomed and seemed to have a good time – even if Cider Bob couldn’t resist but to have a pop at the historically agricultural reputation!
The rides varied between an hour or two with everyone at the pub by the time the food was served. The Hoops in Bassingbourn was our destination where, again, with so many people there, there probably wasn’t as much food as everyone normally gets, but there was still a lot served up. Thank you to everyone who was restrained to allow everyone else the chance to have a nibble.
We guess that may have been the last busy night of the year as the autumn weather is forecast to arrive this week. But please don’t let a bit of rain put you off… riding in the rain not only makes better riders but can be fun (if you’ve got the right gear!)
Next week we will be at the Angel in Ware. Last time we were there hardly anyone turned up (those that did had a veritable feast!) so if you get the chance, please come along – although the parking isn’t ideal, there is enough space if you squeeze in or use the adjacent car park and the Landlord goes to a lot of effort to put on really descent food – so please try to support this local business who supports our Club in a number of ways. See you at Poplars or at the Angel.
Monday 4th September 2023
Although last Monday was a Bank Holiday, so there was no Monday night Club meeting, several members went out on various rides on both the Sunday and Monday.
This weekend, Steve & Carol from Raceways offered a ride to Hunstanton, although no-one from the Club joined them. And yesterday, both Frank and Ian had group rides going on.
Although we are now in autumn, the weather for Monday evening was superb, with the start of a mini heat wave. This seemed to encourage lots of members to get out for the group rides, resulting in about 20% of the Clubs membership congregating at Poplars Sainsburys.
With so many riders, we had four leaders. Paul Purple VFR was still away so the quicker rides were led by Cider Bob and Frank while Daren & Ian volunteered to take the two the more sedate rides.
There was a bit of an issue as groups got to the T junction and ended up being split up but your ride leaders have chatted about it and have a solution to avoid that happening in the future.
Once everyone had arrived at the Crown, in Stotfold, having had about an hour and a half’s ride, the pub was heaving. There was probably about fifty of us there in total – most outside in the warm evening dusk but lots in the bar.
The atmosphere was as good as ever and by 20:30, the huge amount of food was served and everyone dived in. The staff at the Crown always look after us so there was plenty to go round and even after seconds and thirds, there was some left over at the end of the night… amazing value for your £2!
With most people having to get up early for work, many had gone by 22:00 but a few were still there until almost 23:00.
Next week we will be at the Hoops in Bassingbourn.
Monday 21st August 2023
Yesterday Frank arranged a ride to the Ace Café. It was billed as the last one before the introduction of the ULEZ inside the M25. It was a well attended ride and everyone had a good time.
On Monday evening, the weather was fine and a whopping thirty riders congregated at Poplars Sainsburys for the group rides. Paul Purple VFR and Cider Bob were there as usual and, once again, Frank kindly agreed to taking a group for the sedate ride. Ian Harris was there on his Enfield so, with so many there, he agreed to lead a second sedate group.
As a reminder, while we loosely use the terms “fastish” and “sedate” for the two types of rides, the “fastish” doesn’t go over speed limits, but does get to the speed limits quickly (where safe) and maintains higher speeds through bends. The “sedate” groups go as fast as the slowest person and are aimed at learners, cruisers, less experienced riders, less confident riders and those who simply prefer a more relaxed pace.
The four groups went their separate ways but met up about an hour and a half later at this week’s destination, the Bee Hive in Hare Street. There were another twenty or so members already there but even with such large numbers, there was plenty of food to go round. The staff at the pub really looked after us; there were loads of sandwiches, freshly cooked pizzas, roast potatoes, proper sausages and other nibbles – it was a really good spread. They even laid it out fairly around the bar and out in the garden so everyone got some with minimal queuing.
There was a really good atmosphere in the summer evening sun and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.
All too soon, the darkness closed in and riders started leaving, but at 22:00 there were still quite a few hanging around, with the last leaving just before closing time.
Next week is a Bank Holiday so there is no planned meeting. So the next time we meet is on the 4th September. Unfortunately, there has to be a change to our planned meet so, at this time, we don’t have a new destination. We will update via all our social media once we can confirm which pub we will be going to.
We can now confirm we will be at the Crown in Stotfold on 4th September
Monday 14th August 2023
Yesterday was our annual Memorial Ride – a sociable ride to remember our past comrades who’ve passed away. Our Club Chairman, Norbert planned the route, which wound its way around Stevenage, Walkern, Royston, Shelfonts, Shepreth and Meldreth, passing the houses of where many of them used to live, and ending at the Hoops in Bassingbourn. Unfortunately, even with the lure of the Club funding a drink for a toast to the departed, and free Yorkshire puddings and roast potatoes, we only had twenty members come along. Even so, it was a nice ride and a nice way to spend a Sunday morning, while remembering past acquaintances; and the food was lovely.
For our Monday evening meet, the weather was lovely again this week, which contributed to encouraging well over twenty riders to congregate at Poplars Sainsburys for the group ride. With so many, we split into three groups with Paul Purple VFR and Cider Bob leading the swifter groups and Frank kindly accepting a request to lead the more sedate group. Paul and Cider had planned routes, as they are the regular leaders, but Frank did a superb job of making it up as he went along.
Our destination this week was the Boot in Dane End. It’s a great pub that’s always very welcoming (they do a “Biker’s Night” on Thursdays throughout the Summer). This was reflected by the huge amount of food they put on… initially it looked like there wouldn’t be enough for the forty or so members so we initially asked eaters to be restrained. But, in addition to the sandwiches and sausage rolls, the chips and meat balls kept coming and coming, so we ended up with some left over… even Cider Bob couldn’t manage more than four plate fulls!
All too soon, with the dark closing in, members starting thinning out and by 22:00, there were only a few left.
Next Monday we will be at the Bee Hive in Hare Street. Meet us there or join us at Poplars Sainsburys for the group rides, leaving at 18:30.
Monday 7th August 2023
This week couldn’t have been more different than last week. Twenty two riders met up for the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys. Unfortunately Cider Bob couldn’t get there in time but Paul Purple VFR and Frank took a large group each.
There were another twenty or so bikes at the Crown in Buntingford, as the groups arrived, with over fifty members in attendance.
It was the first time we returned to this particular pub in years – a break that was brought about by the previous Landlord passing away. We had a very warm welcome but may have overwhelmed the staff a little with our numbers, resulting in the sandwiches running out prematurely. But they put on more food for us so, in the end, there were only a few that went without.
We on the Committee apologise to those that didn’t get any food. It’s planned a week in advance and its not always easy to judge how many will be turning up (last week, we literally had piles of food left over). But we’d also like to remind everyone (particularly those at the front of the queue) to look at the amount of food and the number of members present and simply take less if it looks like there won’t be enough to go round. You can always go back for more if there is any left. The food is intended as a light snack, not your dinner, and we still say you won’t generally get anywhere near the amount that gets served up, for the £2 your pay, anywhere else! So please be considerate.
The weather was lovely and Buntingfordwas a lovely setting for our meeting but, all too soon, the bikes started leaving and by 22:00 there were only the old stalwarts left.
We would class this pub as another success! But let us have your thoughts by contacting us here
Next week we are at the Boot in Dane End. It’s another great pub that really look after us and it’s a nice ride to get there… and the new A602 by-pass is open so it’s even easier getting home!
But before then, this coming Sunday, 13th August, is the Club’s 2023 Memorial Ride – a sociable ride to remember our past comrades, ending at a pub where the Club will supply members with a drink to raise a glass. Meet at Poplars Sainsburys at 11:00.
Monday 31st July 2023
It was a strange Monday night Club meeting this week. We don’t know why but we had the smallest turnout for literally years. With only four on the group ride and only six more at the pub, we had less than a typical mid winter meeting.
We’d be very keen to hear from anyone, particularly those that didn’t come along, as to why the turnout was so poor.
On the plus side, for the ten that were there, the staff at the Angel in Ware put on a huge pile of food so Martin, the sandwich monitor, was happy to leave it as a free-for-all!
Next week we return to the Crown in Buntingford or the first time in many years. The Landlady is keen to have us back so please come along if you can – not only will it be a sociable night but these local pubs really benefit from our Monday night business.
Meet us there or join one of the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys at 18:30.
Monday 24th July 2023
With a lot of rain over the weekend, and some away, no-one was out riding. The weather improved for the Monday evening ride but there was still some light rain about and the roads were wet. As is usually the case, this put off a lot of riders but it was great to have a total of ten along for the two group rides.
Paul Purple VFR led one group over to Essex while Cider Bob led the other group into Cambridgeshire but both obviously met up at the final destination, the Crown in Stotfold, where the Summer Social was under way.
Again, the weather put people off coming out (not sure why as there is plenty of room under cover at the pub) , which is a shame as a lot of work goes into making sure the Socials are a success. But, none-the-less, there was still a reasonably good turnout and most of the food got eaten.
It was a very sociable evening and it was good to have some more new members come along.
Next week we will be at the Angel in Ware.
As always, you can join one of the group rides from Polpars Sainsburys at 18:30 or meet us at the pub.
Monday 17th July 2023
Yesterday saw this year’s George Brown Memorial Run. Click on this link to the GBMR page and scroll down for our Chairman’s summary of the event.
The weather for the GBMR was nice but quite blustery. Fortunately, the wind died down and the weather was rather nice for the Monday evening ride. This seemed to encourage a reasonably good attendance for the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys. So, with Paul Purple VFR being back this week, and following on from Darren’s success last week leading his first ride, we were able to have three separate groups, with Cider Bob leading the second “swift” paced ride.
The three groups were all out for between 90 minutes and two hours, getting to the Cock at Broom by 20:15. Unfortunately, although Mick, the Club Secretary, always asks for the food to be out at 20:30, the staff at the pub brought it out early (and there wasn’t as much as most pubs provide for the money) so by the time the group rides arrived, it was all gone. But, the staff were very helpful and brought out an extra tray of sandwiches and a couple of bowls of chips. This got a few extra people fed but, with so many members at the pub, quite a few still didn’t get any. We would like to remind everyone that it’s only £2 and most of the time, there is far more than £2 worth served up for you each Monday. It’s only very occasionally that it falls short so please remember that your committee does their best for you but cant always get it right.
As usual, the riders started to leave from about 21:00 but there were still quite a few there at 22:00.
Next week is our Summer Social, at the Crown in Stotfold. As we often try to do, the Club will be funding free food and two free drinks for members plus the £5 raffle, with some excellent prizes. Family are welcome so you can meet us there or join one of the group rides, 18:30 from Poplars Sainsburys, which will be there by 20:00.
Monday 10th July 2023
Even with the threat of rain, we had eleven turn up for Darren’s first go at leading, taking the “relaxed” ride, which went down very well with all who came along. With a ride of about an hour and a half, he led the group over to the ever popular B656, then up into Bedfordshire before cutting east into Cambridgeshire, to end at the Hoops in Bassingbourn.
Cider Bob’s slightly faster group was less well attended with only six to lead but it was still fun; taking biggish country roads to Anchor Lane but then the quite rural Cold Christmas Lane, before getting onto the slightly more open roads to Much Hadham. After taking the wrong turn (shhhh, don’t tell anyone he got it wrong!), towards Furnaux Pelham, where he should have taken the turn to Brent Pelham, he ended up leading his group down all sorts of rubbish roads rather than the planned B1038. This was made worse by choosing a route with a level crossing, which was down and caused a further delay.
Never-the-less, having included the B1368, the Barrington road and the Wendy road, there were plenty of fun twisty roads that could be taken at a good pace and everyone in the group said they enjoyed it (perhaps they were just being nice!?).
As usually the case, there were loads already at the Hoops and there was a great atmosphere. The food was as good as always and our thanks go to the friendly Land Lord and staff who made us feel very welcome.
There was plenty of food for everyone but with heavy looking rain clouds fast approaching, most (except for the stalwarts) had left by 21:30. But it was another good night.
Next week we are at the Cock in Broom. Meet us there or join one of the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys at 18:30.
Please don’t forget, this coming Sunday we will be running this year’s George Brown Memorial Run. We encourage any riders with a vintage or classic (pre 2005) motorcycle to come along and enter, but we’d also encourage all Club members to come along and support this really sociable event.
Starting to gather from about 10:00, this year the event is at the Scout hut behind Poplars Sainsburys, SG2 9RZ. Please use the car park behind Sainsburys and not the main car park. Have a look at this link to the George Brown Memorial Run page or contact Mick Taylor for more details and an entry form.
Monday 3rd July 2023
The weather looked like it was going to be poor this week, which usually puts a lot of members off coming along. None-the-less, we had fourteen spread across the two group rides and more already at the pub. Luckily, the weather stayed fine and there were two great rideouts.
This week we were at the Pig & Abbot in Abingdon Pigotts. It’s a lovely pub that always welcomes us and it was reflected, once again, by the huge amounts of excellent food – including top quality sandwiches, cheesy miniature jacket potatoes, top quality sausage roles and really special pork and apple in Yorkshire pudding. The weather did put off some from coming so there was loads to go round and even some left over.
After lots of chat, people started leaving from about 21:00 hours.
Next week we will be at the Hoops in Bassingbourn.
As will now always be the case for British Summer Time, you can meet us at 18:30 at Poplars Sainsburys. Paul Purple VFR will be away so Cider Bob will be leading the faster group ride but Darren Nelson has volunteered to have a go at leading and will be taking the relaxed group (thanks Darren).
On Sunday 16th July, we will be running this year’s George Brown Memorial Run. Not only would we encourage any riders with a vintage or classic motorcycle (pre 2005) to come along and enter, but we’d also like to encourage all Club members to come along and support this really sociable event.
This year the event has moved to the Scout hut behind Poplars Sainsburys, SG2 9QQ. The gathering starts from about 10:00 with the run leaving at 11:30. Have a look at this link to the George Brown Memorial Run page or contact Mick Taylor for more details and an entry form.
Monday 26th June 2023
There was an excellent turnout for both the rideouts and with members who went straight to the Playing Fields Club in Upper Caldecote where we had our “cheese skittles” competition.
Lots of members entered, resulting in quite a long competition, but Linda was not only the victor but also scored the highest single round score for the evening, taking sixteen with three cheeses.
As if that wasn’t enough to write about her, Linda also had a very busy afternoon, before hand, making all the sandwiches for the evening. Massive thanks to Linda for all her work.
What a great evening.
Next week we will be at the Pig & Abbot in Abingdon Pigotts.
Meet us there or join one of the group rides from Poplars Sainsburys at 18:30.
Monday 19th June 2023
We had a summer BBQ this week. Not like the summer social, where the food is free, but you still wouldn’t be able to get burgers and sausages like Denitza at the Hen & Chickens served up for only £2!
Again this week, we had arranged four group rides (18:30 swift-ish, 18:30 relaxed, 19:00 swift-ish and 19:30 relaxed) but, while there were about twelve on the 18:30 faster ride and a further eight on the 18:30 slower ride, only the two ride leaders and a tailer ender from the 18:30 slower ride (who got left behind) turned up.
Twelve is a bit too many so Norbert (the Club Chairman) who was leading that group at quite a decent pace did end up losing three. Fortunately, Darren took over leading that sub group and they still got to the Pub OK.
With the lack of riders coming along for the 19:00 rides and the larger numbers arriving for the 18:30 ride, we are going to bin off the 19:00 rides (sorry Kelvin!), giving us more leaders at 18:30 so we can split the groups to more manageable sizes.
So, from next Monday, during BST we will just have 18:30 Fast-ish and slow-ish group rides. When we return to GMT, we will revert to 19:00 rides.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to remind members that we are a Club that likes to promote safe and responsible riding. With this in mind, can we please ask riders in the groups to be considerate of each other (don’t ride too close to the person in front) and other road users (for example, being considerate in where and how you overtake). We’d also like to encourage you to wear appropriate motorcycling gear – we’d rather you were advertising the Club with a logo’d hi-vis and then wear nothing but a T-shirt underneath. Thank you.
Back to the BBQ; it was a lovely evening – both the weather and the company. There were thirty two riders and a load of other members, creating a great atmosphere. Thank you to everyone at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock for making us as welcome as ever and putting on the food (particularly the home made garlic coleslaw!!).
Next week we are at the Playing Fields Club in Upper Caldecote where we will have the “Cheese Skittles” competition.
Don’t forget, the only group rides will be at 18:30. See you there.
Monday 12th June 2023
This week our destination was the Edward VII at Guilden Morden.
We’d arranged four group rides (18:30 swift-ish, 18:30 relaxed, 19:00 swift-ish and 19:30 relaxed) but very heavy thunderstorms had flooded the west of the area and the ongoing thread seemed to put off a lot of our members from coming on their bikes. As a result we had about nine on the first fast-ish ride, seven on the first relaxed ride and only four in total for the 19:00 ride. None-the-less, it stayed dry and was absolutely lovely riding conditions.
There were about twenty five bikes in total at the put but, as is often the case, quite a few members came along in cars, just for the social side.
It was a nice night and there was loads of food, as always at the Edward II.
And it stayed dry for the ride home.
Next Monday we will be at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock for a summer BBQ.
We are planning on having at least four rides again this week but if there’s no interest in a relaxed ride at 19:00, we will do away with that one in the future.
Monday 5th June 2023
On Sunday, members of the Club organised and led the Bikestop monthly ride. Not only was the ride well attended by Bikestop customers, with something like sixty odd turning up, it was also well attended by Club members. With so many riders, we split them into two separate ride outs. Ian Harris led about half across to the eastern side of the County while Cider Bob led the other half towards the western side of North Herts. Matt and Martin were tail enders with several other hi-vis clad Club members spread throughout the field of riders. It worked really well and both groups got back to Bikestop without incident and without losing anyone. Thanks to all those Club members who came along to promote the Club and help keep the groups together.
The weather for the Sunday ride had been superb. It was also nice for the Monday evening group ride but it was a lot less sunny and the temperature dipped quite significantly by the time we all arrived at the pub
We had three groups from Poplars Sainsburys. Matt very kindly volunteered to lead his first ride, which headed out at 18:30, through North Herts and over to South West Cambridgeshire, before finishing at Hare Street. He has about eight riders with him who all thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks Matt.
Cider Bob led a second good paced 18:30 ride with about ten riders. He headed over to Anchor Lane via Walkern and then over to Bishops Stortford via Much Hadham. Passing through Clavering, they took the B1039 back to the B1368 before ending at the pub in Hare Street.
The third ride was led by Paul Purple VFR who kindly took the sedate group for a ride at 19:00.
All the riders in the groups seemed to enjoy their rides and with almost thirty in total, we class it as a success.
At the pub which, this week, was the Bee Hive in Hare Street, more riders and members in cars had made their way there directly so the place was heaving. It was a really good night with a great atmosphere and the food was great. Although it initially looked like there wouldn’t be enough to go round, the staff at the Bee Hive were superb and just kept cooking more. So, although the sandwiches disappeared quickly, roast potatoes and hot sausages kept coming out, along with samosas and other snacks. In fact, there was food left at the end of the night. Thank you to all who were initially restrained in not taking too many sandwiches until everyone had had a chance to get some.
It was a good night all round.
Unfortunately we cancelled our attendance at Stevenage Day this Sunday due to a lack of communications from the organisers.
Next week we are at the Edward V11 in Guilden Morden. Paul Purple VFR is away so, at the moment, we only have Cider Bob to lead. However, we do have a couple of ‘unwilling’ volunteers who have kindly offered to help out. We will update you with what group rides are on from Polplars Sainsburys via text and Whatsapp over the weekend.
Finally, this year’s Meldreth Motorcycle Show, organised by our friends at Royston & District Motorcycle Club is on Wednesday 21st June 2023. It’s a huge local motorcycling event and, once again, they have asked for our assistance with marshals. So if you are free on that evening and are happy to help (you get free entry), please let us know by email here, on our Whatsapp group or contact Gordon Hallet directly.
Mon 22nd May 2023
None of our usual group ride leaders were available to lead rides over the weekend so members were out by themselves or in small groups doing their own thing. We often struggle for group ride leaders so if you’d like to volunteer to lead occasionally (or regularly), please let us know by clicking here. If you don’t feel confident in leading, any of our regular leaders can help with advise and route planning.
Again, on Monday evening we only had our two regular leaders available – Paul purple VFR and Cider Bob. This meant we could only run two groups, with Paul leading the well paced group at 18:30 and Cider leading a sedate group at 19:00.
Paul had about ten riders join him and they headed out west before going north to Flint Cross and then taking the wonderful B1368 back down and then over to Stotfold.
Cider had a similar number in his group – initially!! After heading over to Walkern and Aston, it all went awry at Bragbury End. Unfortunately, although the two junctions were in sight of each other, the ones exiting Bragbury End did look up the road and the last in the split pack didn’t wait at the junction – so the second half of the group went sailing on by ☹.
There is no blaming or shaming here but we’d like to take this opportunity to reiterate the group ride guidelines (you can see full details by clicking here):
- Ride your own ride
- Don’t ride too close to the person in front
- At junctions, wait until the person behind can see which way you are going (please make an effort to do this – even stop if it’s safe – just until the person behind knows which way to go)
- There is no pressure to keep up but when you can see the person in front, please keep an eye on them at junctions to see which way they go
- We prefer you not to overtake or ride in close proximity to another rider
Cider’s smaller group continued over to Knebworth and up the B656 to Stotfold while the others, now leaderless, made their way straight to the pub.
The turn out this week was excellent. With about forty bikes in total and even more that had come in cars, it was our Pete Starr Memorial Spring Social, at the Crown in Stotfold, where there were free food and drinks. There were lots of members who don’t get to come along every week and it was great to have Pete’s family come along too.
As with all our Socials, it was a great evening and everyone seemed to have a good time. The food was superb and after the raffle, which raised enough to pay for the evening, we raised a glass in memory of Pete.
Next week is a Bank Holiday so our next meeting is on Monday 5th June at the Beehive in Hare Street.
But don’t forget, before that, on the 4th June, we will be leading the Bikestop Monthly ride so volunteers to assist would be appreciated. We are currently also planning on being at Stevenage Day on Sunday 11th June but we haven’t heard back from the Council so, after the Walkern Fair debacle, we may be cancelling our attendance (what this space!).
Monday 15th May 2023
This week we returned to the Rifle Volunteer in Ware.
Over the weekend, as tends to be the case, several members got on their bikes in small groups as the weather was lovely.
It stayed nice for the Monday evening group rides so, although the original forecast was for rain, with gorgeous sunshine, over twenty riders made their way to Poplars Sainsburys. Paul Purple VFR led eleven on a good paced ride at 18:30 while Cider Bob, who was a little late having only got back from a biking trip an hour earlier, led a 19:00 group. Cider was on his 1200 so hadn’t advertised the ride as a sedate one but a couple of riders who normally join the more relaxed ride did come along so, while the speed at the front was slightly higher than they’d normally expect, the group was allowed to bunch up each time it got to speed limits or junctions.
The staff at the pub were excellent as always and there were loads of sandwiches, chips and chickens nuggets to go round.
It was a fairly good turn out with about thirty of us there but it seems several members sometimes opt to go out with Steve Vaughan on a Monday night. While it’s good to ride with different people and even different Clubs, it’s considered a shame some members are choosing Steve, on a Monday night, over the Club, after the incident that resulting in him being asked to resign. The Club Committee took the moral high ground, asking Steve to resign even knowing that he does excellent rides and the Club would be losing a great asset, rather that accepting violence within the Club. But those choosing to ride with Steve rather than the Club on a Monday night are somewhat condoning his behaviour. But enough of that.
Next week is our Pete Starr Memorial Social. We will be at the Crown in Stotfold where the food is free for members, and they will get two free drinks. Bring along your families and lets raise an annual glass to our late treasurer.
There will be group rides from Poplars Sainsburys but they will be at the pub by 20:00.
Monday 8th May 2023
With the King being crowned on Saturday, it was another Bank Holiday this week so, yet again, there was no Monday evening meeting.
We had planned to have a stand at the Walkern Show but it seems there has been some shinanigans go on and most of the Show committee had resigned. So, although we turned up, no-one had unlocked the gate and the Show was subsequently sort or cancelled… although a few exhibited still set up, once the gates had been opened. It’s a shame – it used to be a great day.
Next week we will be at the Rifle Volunteer in Ware.
Monday 1st May 2023
This week was a Bank Holiday so there was no Monday evening meeting, although a few members met up on Sunday for an impromptu ride.
Next week is another Bank Holiday as the King is being crowned on Saturday. So there will be no planned Club meeting.
Monday 24th April 2023
Unfortunately, while we had three group rides and a tyre changing competition planned for this week, heavy rain and plummeting temperatures (with the thread of gritting) put off many of the members so the group ride consisted of three, led by Paul and there were less than twenty at the pub.
The next two weeks are Bank Holidays so there are no Monday night Club meetings planned.
However, we will have a stand at the Walkern Fair, which we would encourage you to come along to, with your motorcycle if you’d like to have it on display. Click here for a link to the Walkern Fair website.
Hopefully the weather will be better for our next Monday night meeting, which will be at the Rifle Volunteer in Ware on 15th May 2023.
Don’t forget, we would also appreciate volunteers to come along on Sunday 4th June to assist our leading of the Bikestop monthly ride and on Sunday 11th June to assist on our stand/display your bike at Stevenage Day.
Monday 17th April 2023
Unfortunately, with no Club leaders available to organise a Sunday ride, several members sorted themselves out with their own little group rides.
This week we introduced a change of meeting location for the Monday evening group rides. Due to the traffic lights at Coreys Mill Sainsburys often splitting the group, we decided to change to Poplars Sainsbury (Magpie Crescent, just off Gresley Way, SG2 7DU) where the plan was it would be easier to get out together. This should work well each week, although this week the Police had shut part of Gresley Way so several members were a little late after finding a diversion route. One member didn’t get their at all, after getting lost, but we arranged for the group to pass him so he could tag onto the back.
The 18:30 swift paced ride, led by Paul Purple VFR consisted of ten as they left Poplars Sainsburys. The lost riding was supposed to be picked up by the sedate group but as Paul passed him, he tagged on the bag. This may have become a bit of a baptism of fire as he then did a great job of trying to keep up on his little learner 125; but he did! It was good to welcome back several returning members and welcome two new members, Richard and Hayley.
The 18:30 sedate paced ride consisted of another ten bikes, including sports bikes, cruisers, streets, trailies, three learners and Richard on his spanking new lovely Z900. Their route was initially unplanned, detouring around Oaks Cross in an effort to find the rider who had subsequently been picked up by Paul, but once back on track, took the Walkern Road, onto the B1037 to Cottered. From there, it was the A507 and on to Hare Street, then down the B1368 to the A120 roundabout where they coincidentally met up with the 19:00 swift group.
The 19:00 swift group consisted of seven riders led by Pete Blackburn. They used the marvellous Anchor Lane and then the old A10 to arrive at the A120 roundabout where they temporarily mingled with the sedate group. Cider Bob slowed up the sedate group even more exiting Standon but Pete politely didn’t overtake. So, when they arrived at the new Little Hadham bypass roundabout, the sedate group moved to the nearside and let them through with a friendly wave.
Cider sensibly turned right at the lights and used the B1004 straight to the Angel at Ware.
Both the swift groups had time to get over to Bishops Stortford and try the full length of the B1004 from there. Unfortunately for them, it was shut so they ended up using the diversion, through a ford, resulting in a lot of dirty motorcycles!
The pub was as welcoming as ever and there were another ten or so members already there. So, with a total of about forty of us, the sandwiches ran out fairly quickly (we didn’t expect quite that many riders yet as it’s still just a tad chilly). But the Land Lord was great and arranged huge amounts of chips and chicken nuggets, which turned up in no time at all so, while there were a few disgruntled comments to start with, there was, in fact, plenty of food to go round.
It was a great night and lovely to see some of the members that tend to only come along during the summer months.
Next week we will be at the Hoops in Bassingbourn where we are re-introducing the tyre changing competition. It’s just a bit of fun so come along and have a go to see if you can get it off and back on again in the quickest time.
We will have the same three group rides to the Hoops from POPLARS Sainsbury’s (Magpie Crescent, SG2 7DU):
18:30 Swift ride with Paul Purple VFR
18:30 Sedate ridewith Cider Bob
19:00 Swift ride with Pete Blackburn
Monday 3rd April 2023
After much frustration, it seems we now have full control of the new website software and it is now all up to date. That said, we now have the ability to alter the presentation of computers, phones and tablets so if there is anything you don’t like the look of, just let the webmaster know.
As planned, there were three group rides this week, now all from Coreys Mill Sainsburys. There were 18:30 and 19:00 swifter rides, led by Paul Purple VFR and Pete Blackburn, plus an 18:30 sedate ride led by Cider Bob. This one is for smaller bikes, learners, cruisers and those that just prefer a more relaxed pace.
It was a little unusual standing at Sainsburys in daylight, watching gritters leave the depot. The temperature was forecast to get to about zero but it was great to have a total of nine riders in the sedate group while Paul had another seven in his. Unfortunately, Pete only had one joining him.
But it stayed dry and relatively mild and, best, it stayed pretty much daylight until everyone had arrived at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock.
We had to be there by 20:00 as it was the annual Easter egg auction. Once again, this was a very entertaining evening with your Chairman, Tony “Norbert” Brown doing a good job as auctioneer. Loads of eggs were donated and they all sold, with prices going from very cheap to quite a lot! It was a great way for the Club to raise another couple of hundred pounds.
Next week is a Bank Holiday so there is no planned meeting but don’t let that stop you planning something. Raceways Steve will be leading a ride to Walkers (near Mildenhall) on Good Friday. If you’d like to join him, meet at 10:00, Baldock Services.
Cider Bob is going for a relatively short ride of about 50 miles on Sunday. If you’d like to join him, be at Coreys Mill Sainsburys at 10:00.
The next Club meeting is on 17th April at the Angel in Ware. It’s a little early to be certain but we hope to have the same three group rides – 18:30 and 19:00 swift rides and an 18:30 relaxed ride. But please note, we are changing our start location to the Poplars Sainsburys, Magpie Crescent, SG2 7DU. This is to make it easier for all the members in anyone group to get out together and avoids getting stuck at the traffic lights, as often happens at Coreys Mill.
We now have a new stock of hi-vis. Check out the Regalia page and see Mick if you’d like one.
Dates for your Calendar that you might like to support or just come along for a while:
- 7th May – we will be having a pitch at the Walkern Fair
- 4th June – we will be leading the Bikestop monthly ride
- 11th June – we will be having a pitch at Stevenage Day
Monday 27th March 2023
Don’t forget, next week is the Easter egg auction at the Hen and Chickens so come along with an egg and/or lots of cash to buy up all the great value chocolate.
With the weather looking like its getting better, we will run the 18:30 and 19:00 swifter rides plus an 18:30 sedate ride for smaller bikes, learners, cruisers and those that just prefer a more relaxed pace.
Monday 20th March 2023
We are getting there with the website so please continue to bear with us. The Calendar is up to date and, as you can see, so is the blog but many of the hyperlinks still need sorting. It won’t be long before we have it back up to standard.
Back to the motorcycling; unfortunately yesterday’s Sunday ride got cancelled due to the leader being needed elsewhere. Frank volunteered to lead but Mother’s Day seemed to result in a lack of no takers – but thanks to Frank for the offer.
The Monday night weather was, once again, poor – so, although there were about twenty at the pub, the only rider joining Cider Bob on the group ride was Craig. But we thank Craig for taking up the position of Tail End Charlie (TEC).
The ride was about an hour but it dried up a bit and turned out to be good fun.
The destination was the Cock in Baldock, where we were looked after as well as ever.
Next week we will be at the Goat in Codicote.
With the clocks springing forward this coming Sunday, from Monday we plan to revert to a good paced ride at 18:30 and one at 19:00 plus a ride aimed at the more sedate, less experienced or smaller bikes, also at 18:30. This will be confirmed by text/Whatsapp over the weekend. All the group rides will now leave from Coreys Mill Sainsburys.
The week after will be the Easter Egg auction so please come along and support it, preferably with a donation and cash to buy lots!
If the weather is decent enough that anyone will want to ride this coming Sunday, Cider Bob will lead a ride. While the wet won’t put him off, if it’s raining, he won’t bother!
Monday 13th March 2023
It was a frustrating week for the “webmaster” as the website host changed the platform software and didn’t transfer the old website across accurately, resulting in the website looking wrong. The new software also came with no training so it took a while to learn how to update it.
The website is now back up to date as far as the information is concerned but the Webmaster is still working on correcting all the layout errors… please bear with him.
But the Monday evening meeting at the Cock in Baldock was a good night and there was loads of food for the twenty five or so members that attended.
Paul Purple VFR planned and led the group ride of six with Cider Bob being the “TEC” (Tail End Charlie).
We will soon be putting in a new order for Club hi-vis. Have a look at the Regalia page and if you like it, you can have one for the sum of £10. This has gone up due to the garments going up but we are still selling them at a loss. Our benefit is it keeps you safer and advertises the Club! Please contact Mick Taylor for yours.
Monday 6th March 2023
It was a dank evening for this week’s meeting, which put off all put Cider Bob and Sam. But they had an hour and a quarter ride in a variety of conditions, from slippery to dry. It actually turned out to be quite a nice ride.
The destination this week was the Plume of Feathers in Ickleford.
It wasn’t a great attendance but there were still about twenty or so members, including Rachel, who had also turned up on her motorcycle.
We also had five new members sign up.
But it was a social evening, with lots of chit-chat and the staff pub on a huge amount of food, with gorgeous roast potatoes and mountains of really nice sandwiches.
Next week we will be at the Stag (Gordon – that’s NOT the Crown) at Stotfold.
As always, you can meet us there or join the group ride from Coreys Mill Sainsburys at 19:00.
An early date for your diary… we’ve been asked to lead the Bikestop Monthly Ride on Sunday 4th June. Please come along, preferably with your S&DMCC hi-vis, to advertise and support the Club and, perhaps help marshal a little bit!
Monday 27th February 2023
In the absence of Cider Bob this week, Paul Purple VFR led the group ride of five to the Crown in Stotfold.
About thirty members attended to feast on the Gala pie but, more importantly, a toast was raised to our Late Treasurer Pete Starr as it was the anniversary of his death in a motorcycle collision.
Next week we are at the Plume of Fathers in Ickleford.
Your 2023 Committee met this Wednesday. We welcome new Committee members Carol & Linda.
It was a very productive meeting with some good ideas. Here are a few of the items covered:
- A questionnaire will be published for your feedback (see below)
- We will have a Club stand at the Walkern Fair on Sunday 7th May 2023
- We will have a Club stand at Stevenage Day on Sunday 11th June 2023
- Although the 2023 Dinner Dance was poorly attended by members, as those attending seemed to enjoy themselves, we are committing to a 2024 Dinner Dance
- There is work going on in the background to source a venue for the GBMR but at the moment
- We are planning a number of extra activities on Monday evenings throughout the summer, including the return of the tyre changing competition.
- Although there has been a distinct lack of Sunday rides recently, we will be introducing a new Sunday Rides Whatsapp group and will be planning plenty in the near future. Please let us know if you’d like to be added to the Sunday Rides group.
A questionnaire will be available over the next month or so at each Monday Club night. These can be completed anonymously and left in a pile for collection at the end of the evening.
It is also available via our various social media, or by clicking here. These can be returned by email, although electronic returns will obviously not be anonymous, or printed off and handed in on a Monday evening.
We strongly encourage every member to take a few minutes to give us your opinions.
Monday 20th February 2023
This week was the Club’s eagerly awaited Annual General Meeting.
Being a motorcycle Club, we could not not have a group ride before the meeting so nine of us met us at Coreys Mill Sainsburys. It was quite a nice evening – although the roads were a little damp, it was mild for February, and quite nice conditions for riding.
Cider Bob and Paul Purple VFR were both there as usual but, along with five other Club members (including the “Transalp Twins”, Darren & Steve, for the first time in a while), it was great to welcome new members Rachal and Ian.
The ride was a bit late getting under way and, after a minor split where some went straight on at a junction rather than turning left, Paul got them back on track as they all met up again just down the road. This is the advantage of having a leader and a tail ender that know the route and can work to get everyone back together.
The route was subsequently cut short as time got on, not least of which due to a rather slow Fire Engine on blue lights, and we arrived at the Cromwell Hotel at 19:50.
There was a good turn out with nearly sixty of us crammed into the Cromwell’s function room, where tea and coffee was provided by the Club and biscuits were generously donated by Gary (thanks Garry).
The AGM is always a very official affair (considering we are just a motorcycle Club) but it was rattled through in no time, being pretty much done and dusted by 20:20, bar the collection of subs.
It started with the minutes of last year, followed by the Chairman’s report. It’s obviously just under a year since our Treasurer, Pete Starr, died in a motorcycle crash and his role on the committee has been fulfilled by the Chairman, who gave the Treasurer’s report.
There was a bit of “business” discussed and in no time it was on to election of the Committee. The Chairman and Secretary are in post for another two years but no one volunteered for the role of Treasurer, so it was proposed and seconded that Tony Brown would continue in that role as well as Chairman.
The dreggs of the Committee were then elected with Cider Bob, Pete Blackburn and Dave Chapman being proposed and voted in. In addition, we are delighted that Linda Smith and Carol Hutchins agreed to being proposed and then voted in. With the one Committee member down (with the Chairman also being the Treasurer), it was decided we could have an extra minion Committee member.
The Committee page of the website will be updated once Lynda and Carol have forwarded their “bios”.
In a flash, the AGM was over and, rather than everyone hanging around to be sociable, the place cleared quicker than the French from Waterloo!
But the old stalwarts and some others stayed for a while and then moved into the bar.
Next week we are at the Crown in Stotfold.
Monday 13th February 2023
Another chilly Monday evening this week but eight members turned up for the group ride.
Planned by Paul Purple VFR but led by Cider Bob, the route was about an hour through Letchworth, Henlow, Langford, Millow, Dunton, Guilden Morden and Ashwell before ending up at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock.
As is often the case, many members had made their way to the pub separately of the group ride… some on bikes and some in cars; so the bar was quite full.
There was the usual chit chat going on and before long the food was served with Martin, the “Sandwich Monitor” (for anyone not in the Club reading this, that’s a bit of a tongue in cheek role) not really being needed as there was huge amounts – more than enough for anyone to have had three visits to the table… what an absolute bargain for the £2 contribution to the cost of the food that anyone partaking is required to cough up.
It’s always a good night at the Hen & Chickens and this week was no different. Our thanks to Tally and Denitsa for looking after us so well yet again.
Next week is our AGM, at the Cromwell Hotel in Stevenage SG1 3AZ.
Please come along if you can… the Committee put in a fair amount of effort into running your Club so, although AGMs tend to be a bit dull, it’s your opportunity to show your appreciation, simply by turning up! … oh, and bring along your £5 annual subs!
We are always looking for people to volunteer as Committee members, not least for new perspectives, so please put yourself forward if you can spare about an hour on a Wednesday evening about once every 3 months.
There will be a group ride leaving Coreys Mill Sainsburys at 19:00 but it will be a short one, arriving at the Cromwell by about 19:45.
Unfortunately we don’t put on food at the AGM (it would be far too expensive at the Hotel) so make sure you’ve had a nibble before you come out
Monday 6th February 2023
The temperatures dropped again this week so the group ride stood in the Sainsburys car park watching a line of gritters leave the depot. Fortunately, the group ride, consisting of six riders led this week by Paul Purple VFR, with Cider Bob taking “Tail End Charlie”, got under way promptly so the roads were still dry (prior to the salt being able to absorb moisture and make the roads damp and slippery). The route was about thirty five miles and lasted about an hour, finishing at a change to the original calendar; the Cock in Baldock.
Members of the Club come along for various reasons. To some, it’s a social Club. Some come along for the rides and the chat while others just come along for the riding – so two members of the group continued on after we arrived at the pub. while the rest got stuck in to the drink (soft!!) and a chat.
The Cock is always a popular location and the huge numbers of lovely beef, pork and cheese (not all together) sandwiches along with several huge bowls of chips was enough to feed the twenty five or so Club members in the bar.
Next week we are at the Hen and Chickens in Baldock and the following Saturday is our Dinner Dance. Numbers are slightly lower than normal so if you can support this event, you can still get your tickets from Mick Taylor.
Monday 30th January 2023
Finally the weather warmed a little this week so, with temperatures around a barmy 3°C, five hardy riders joined Cider Bob for an hour long ride to the pub. While some had heated clothing to keep them toasty, one had heated clothes but a flat battery and the others just relied on being made of sterner stuff.
There were already about fifteen or so members at the Plume of Feathers in Ickleford when the group arrived. And two more riders arrived later.
The bar was full and everyone demolished the lovely sandwiches and chips that were served up. But the Land Lord at the Plume is superb and, having already had three large bowls of chips, he cooked even more until some were left.
Next week is a change to our Calendar. We will now be at the Cock in Baldock.
There’s still time to get Dinner Dance tickets for 18th February.
Monday 23rd January 2023
Unfortunately the author of this pointless drivel was away this week so couldn’t be at the Club night. The only response to the question of what could be blogged was “It was a good evening with less than normal attending but there was a lone rider. The food was great and plentiful and Donitza was entertaining”.
The only thing to add is the group ride was cancelled again due to temperatures well below zero.
Normal service will resume next week, where we will be at the Plume of Feathers in Ickleford.
Meet us there or join the group ride, now the weather is better for night riding.
Monday 16th January 2023
Five members arranged a Sunday ride this week, visiting the biker friendly café Amici’s at Sandy. It was a chilly ride but a bright day and not too cold for January.
By contrast, it snowed on Monday during the day so the evening group ride was cancelled. But, by the evening, although it was -5°C, there was no snow and three hardy riders made their way to the pub on bikes. Between them, enough energy to heat a small house was used to heat their clothing.
Surprisingly, although some back roads (and specifically Tesco’s car park) were like ice rinks, most of the roads were fine for riding on. The main roads had been gritted so were just a little damp while the side roads which had not been snowed on were mostly dry as the humidity at such low temperatures left no moisture.
It wasn’t a particularly well attended meeting, with almost twenty of us at the Crown in Stotfold, but we never expect vast numbers at this time of year. And with temperatures well below zero, we tend to assume some members will stay warm at home (although with the price of energy, perhaps they should have turned the radiators down and joined us in the toasted warm pub!).
There was loads of food and, as always, gala pie. So much food was provided that “doggy bags” were available for anyone wanting a ready made packed lunch for Tuesday.
Our thanks, as always, to the great staff at the Crown.
Your committee has a meeting this Wednesday so if you have anything you want raised, please let one of them know.
Next week we will be at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock.
Cider Bob is away next but Paul Purple VFR has kindly agreed to lead the group ride from Sainsburys at 19:00 – as long as the conditions are suitable. We will update you on Monday if it gets cancelled.
Don’t forget, you are running out of time for Dinner Dance tickets. It’s on the 18th February – see Mick Taylor.
Finally, the AGM will be on 20th February. We know it’s a bit dull but your committee put a lot of effort into running the Club for you throughout the year and this is your chance to show your support. Not only that, you can bring up any issue, but please let us know at least a week in advance. Please also consider if you’d like to join the committee… it’s always good to have new perspectives.
Monday 9th January 2023
Happy New Year
What a great start to the new year at this week’s Club meeting.
Although chilly, it stayed dry for the group ride from Coreys Mill Sainsburys to the pub, via a route taking about an hour and twenty minutes (extended partly as a result of a closed road at Hinxworth).
At the pub, there were plenty of members spread around the bars of the Bucks Head in Little Wymondley.
There was loads of sociable chatter, including recants of some of the rides that have been going on since our last meeting; although there haven’t been any Club organised weekend group rides for a while. If you’d like to arrange/lead the odd weekend group ride, please do advertise it on any of the Club’s social media.
There was loads of very nice food, including beef sandwiches and chips, with plenty for everyone to have seconds.
Even though it was a good evening, with so many back at work, the pub started to clear at about half past nine.
Next week we will be back in Stotfold; this time at the Crown.
We’ll have a group ride from Sainsburys as usual at 19:00.
Don’t forget, the Annual Dinner Dance is approaching fast – 18th February 2023.
Tickets are still available from the Club Secretary, Mick Taylor.
A date for your Calendar:
We have agreed to arrange and lead Bikestop’s “first Sunday of the month” in June. We’d be grateful for as many volunteers to assist as possible. This includes leaders, tail enders, mid pack riders and just people to “fly the flag” So please let us know if you can help out in any way.
Monday 19th December 2022
What a final Club night of the year! We expected just a few to turn up but with lots of members in the sociable festive spirit, the Hen & Chickens bar was surprisingly full.
The initial drawback was that the Committee thought there wouldn’t be enough food to go round as we’d asked Tally to cater for about half the number that had turned up. But, in the end, there was enough food that even though Martin, the sandwich monitor, wasn’t there to keep control, there was plenty for everyone. We’d like to thank everyone for their initial restraint until everyone had had the chance for at least a small plate full.
We even had three hardy riders turn up on motorcycles, having had an hour or so’s ride from Coreys Mill.
It’s been a generally good year for the Club and we’d like to thank everyone for making it such a good evening out each Monday, particularly those that aren’t on the committee but lead rides regularly anyway.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We hope to see you at the Bucks Head on the 9th January.
Monday 12th December 2022
With at least four inches of snow over Sunday night and into Monday morning, although the main roads were clear, the only available leader for this week’s group ride couldn’t get his motorcycle out of his road… and on the basis no one else would want to join him anyway, the group ride was cancelled.
Never-the-less, although we didn’t expect more than just a few if any to turn up, in fact the Cock was quite well attended, under the circumstances. There was about fifteen of us, which was enough to polish off the reduced number of sandwiches and chips.
During the evening, there was a chat about the success of last week’s Christmas Social. So much so, the members of the committee in attendance this week decided that next week, being the last before Christmas, wouldn’t just be the usual no food “noggin & natter”, but the pub would be asked to put on Christmas nibbles.
So, whether you are a ba humbug or not, come along to the final gathering of the year, at the Hen & Chickens in Baldock, for a bit of Christmas cheer or grinchyness.
Assuming the weather is better, there will be a group ride next Monday to the pub.
The website platform is a bit rubbish and slows up horrendously once there is a lot of content (particularly with hyperlinks) on any one page… so we’ve had to create archive pages for the Blogs. It’s a shame because it’s nicer if its all in one place, and it will upset any shortcut on other websites or members computers, but unfortunately it can’t be helped (unless we spend a lot of money on a better platform!
Click here to be taken to the previous years’ blogs.